Hardest World History Quiz
1 - Who was the leader of the Russian provisional government after the fall of the Romanovs?
Vladimir LeninStalinPrince LvovGeorgii Plekhanov
Vladimir Lenin
Prince Lvov
Georgii Plekhanov
2 - Which Australian Colony was the last to use the forced labour of prisoners?
West AustraliaNew South WalesVan Diemen's Land (Tasmania)Victoria
West Australia
New South Wales
Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania)
3 - The St Marco Campanile standing in Venice today is a copy. How and when was the original destroyed?
It was burnt by Austrian troops in the XVIIth centuryIt was destroyed on orders of Napoleon to punish Venetian resistance in 1799It burnt down in 1756 in a fire which destroyed part of central VeniceIt collapsed in 1902 due to severe structural faults
It was burnt by Austrian troops in the XVIIth century
It was destroyed on orders of Napoleon to punish Venetian resistance in 1799
It burnt down in 1756 in a fire which destroyed part of central Venice
It collapsed in 1902 due to severe structural faults
4 - Which was the last Etruscan City to came under Roman power?
5 - What was the the capital of Dacia?
EcbatanaAlma AtaSarmisegetuzaCoste?ti
Alma Ata
6 - Who was defeated in the battle of Sandwich in 1217?
The FlemishThe IrishThe FrenchThe Scots
The Flemish
The Irish
The French
The Scots
7 - Who was the founder of Afghanistan?
Ahmad Shah AbdaliTimur Shah AbdaliZaman Shah AbdaliAkbar Khan
Ahmad Shah Abdali
Timur Shah Abdali
Zaman Shah Abdali
Akbar Khan
8 - The Treaty of Kuchuk Kaynarca in 1774 forced the Ottomans to cede which territory to the Russians?
9 - Which famous poet and scientist was employed by the Seljuqs to reform the Islamic calendar?
Al-KhwarazimiAl-TusiIbn Sina (Avicenna)Omar Khayyam
Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
Omar Khayyam
10 - What Islamic dynasty was founded by Sultan Saladin?
The Ayyubid dynastyThe Fatamid dynastyThe Abbasid dynastyThe Almohad dynasty
The Ayyubid dynasty
The Fatamid dynasty
The Abbasid dynasty
The Almohad dynasty
11 - Which of the following 19th century American figures was NOT nominated for the US Presidency by the Whig Party?
Senator Henry ClayGeneral Winfield ScottSenator Daniel WebsterGeneral Zachary Taylor
Senator Henry Clay
General Winfield Scott
Senator Daniel Webster
General Zachary Taylor
12 - How many million immigrants came to the United States between 1880 and 1900?
5 millions9 millions15 millions21 millions
5 millions
9 millions
15 millions
21 millions
13 - What was an Emporion?
An agrarian colonyA trading postA trading colonyA Greek neighbourhood in an Eastern city
An agrarian colony
A trading post
A trading colony
A Greek neighbourhood in an Eastern city
14 - What country saw native religion fused with Christianity in 1865's 'Hau Hau' movement?
MexicoJapanIndochinaNew Zealand
New Zealand
15 - According to some legends, which Welsh prince might have reached the New World in the 12th century?
Prince GwynllywPrince MeurigPrince MadogPrince Caradog
Prince Gwynllyw
Prince Meurig
Prince Madog
Prince Caradog
16 - What was the last Mongol state to be conquered by a foreign power?
Khanate of the CrimeaMughal EmpireDzungariaKhalka Horde
Khanate of the Crimea
Mughal Empire
Khalka Horde
17 - What were coenobites?
Monks who fasted ritualyMonks who lived in communityMonks who lived aloneMonks who took care of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome
Monks who fasted ritualy
Monks who lived in community
Monks who lived alone
Monks who took care of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome
18 - Which of the following lands was not part of Muhammad Ali's Egyptian Empire in the early 19th Century?
19 - Who founded Lisbon?
The CeltsThe PhoeniciansThe RomansThe Greeks
The Celts
The Phoenicians
The Romans
The Greeks
20 - Domingo Sarmiento and Bartolome Mitre were leaders in which Latin American nation in the 19th century?