The World
Quiz - Question list
World History: 400 questions
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Question 3: In 1945, an Allied conference decided the partition of Germany in four occupation zones. Where was that conference held? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World
Casablanca - 10% (772) Moscow - 14% (1063) Los Angeles - 4% (306) Yalta - 46% (3414) No answer picked: 25% (1825) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 21: What is the oldest political party in the western world? Author: Pillager - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Republicans (USA) - 14% (574) The Conservatives (UK) - 50% (2081) The Liberals (Canada) - 5% (196) The Democrats (USA) - 12% (521) No answer picked: 20% (829) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 55: When did the french protestant Villegaignon establish a community in what would become Rio de Janeiro? Author: Luiz - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
In the XVIII th century - 10% (321) In the XVII century - 25% (781) In the XVI century - 29% (892) In the XV century - 6% (172) No answer picked: 30% (945) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 61: When did Brunei become independent? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
It has been independent since the Middle-Ages - 15% (496) 1925 - 9% (295) 1947 - 24% (799) 1984 - 24% (778) No answer picked: 28% (912) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 63: Which of these countries was not involved in cracking down on the Boxer Rebellion in China over the turn of the 19th century? Author: XIII - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Belgium - 15% (468) Spain - 25% (764) Japan - 13% (414) Austro-Hungary - 19% (580) No answer picked: 28% (874) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 64: When was Malaysia formed? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
1925 - 10% (480) 1948 - 31% (1520) 1963 - 29% (1413) 1985 - 3% (146) No answer picked: 28% (1356) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 65: When did the last emperor of China ascend the throne? Author: XIII - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
1685 - 4% (217) 1895 - 17% (833) 1909 - 34% (1674) 1923 - 18% (872) No answer picked: 27% (1304) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 69: Where did Ernesto 'Che' Guevara die? Author: Luiz - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Latin America
Argentina - 14% (991) Ecuador - 12% (890) Venezuela - 15% (1120) Bolivia - 32% (2357) No answer picked: 26% (1919) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 77: What was Ferdinand de Lesseps's greatest achievement? Author: MHSoft - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Building the Channel Tunnel - 6% (460) Building the Suez Canal - 34% (2502) Building the Eiffel Tower - 19% (1360) Building the Arc de Triomphe - 15% (1074) No answer picked: 26% (1903) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 79: What did the Battle of the Plains of Abraham decide? Author: Drewcifer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others
The Boer War. - 11% (559) The fate of the Jewish resistance to the Roman Empire. - 27% (1317) The fate of French colonialism in North America. - 25% (1212) The War of Texas Independence. - 9% (436) No answer picked: 28% (1345) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 80: Which country never had a colony in North America? Author: Drewcifer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World
Russia - 24% (2191) Germany - 32% (2985) Sweden - 19% (1782) Netherlands - 7% (641) No answer picked: 18% (1706) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 81: The Swahili culture is the result of a synthesis of the cultures of costal East Africa and colonizers from: Author: Drewcifer - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
India - 11% (533) Portugal - 22% (1074) Indonesia - 7% (348) Arabia - 32% (1541) No answer picked: 28% (1358) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 86: Which of these nations had an army in excess of 1 million men in the 70s? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Thailand - 5% (214) Indonesia - 13% (530) Vietnam - 55% (2231) Burma - 7% (271) No answer picked: 21% (844) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 89: What was the capital of Republican China (1928 - 1949)? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Beijing - 14% (567) Nanjing - 31% (1243) Shanghai - 26% (1014) Guangzhou - 7% (295) No answer picked: 21% (833) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 91: Who is Stamford Raffles? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The founder of British Malaya - 12% (582) The botanist who brought the first rubber saplings to Malaya. - 18% (868) The founder of Singapore - 31% (1508) The captain of the battleship Repulse, sunk by the Japanese during WW2 - 10% (502) No answer picked: 28% (1367) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 93: King Mongkut is known as the Father of Modern ___ ? Author: XIII - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Burma - 21% (1035) Korea - 6% (291) Thailand - 41% (1968) Vietnam - 4% (208) No answer picked: 28% (1357) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 104: What is the latest state to join the United States, bringing the number to 50? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: United States
Hawaii - 49% (3701) Alaska - 20% (1478) Puerto Rico - 5% (394) Guantanamo - 2% (162) No answer picked: 24% (1798) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 111: Brazil has had 3 capitals during its history. Which are they? Author: Luiz - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Latin America
Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília - 22% (1096) Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília - 36% (1731) Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo - 4% (210) Salvador, São Paulo and Brasília - 11% (513) No answer picked: 27% (1322) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 113: Which South American country fought against the combined armies of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay from 1864 to1870? Author: Luiz - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Latin America
Columbia - 11% (547) Venezuela - 11% (557) Paraguay - 34% (1662) Chile - 15% (732) No answer picked: 28% (1354) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 114: Where was the last man to successfully conquer England from? Author: K. - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Normandy - 49% (4570) Germany - 12% (1120) Norway - 11% (998) Naples - 7% (626) No answer picked: 21% (1920) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 115: What Roman general conquered Gaul in the First Century BC? Author: K. - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Julius Ceasar - 55% (5064) Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey the Great) - 15% (1333) Crassus - 7% (670) Vercingetorix - 2% (199) No answer picked: 21% (1899) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 116: By which of those ancient civilizations was Machu Pichu built? Author: K. - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Latin America
The Aztecs - 13% (1181) The Egyptians - 4% (392) The Mayas - 20% (1886) The Incas - 43% (3931) No answer picked: 20% (1812) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 117: Between which countries was the Hundred Years war mainly fought? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Prussia and France - 10% (943) Spain and France - 9% (875) England and Ireland - 5% (465) France and England - 57% (5326) No answer picked: 19% (1790) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 119: On which side did Japan fight in the First World War? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
None, it was neutral - 20% (821) With the United Kingdom against Germany - 29% (1213) With Germany against the United Kingdom - 11% (442) Against Russia, but on its own - 18% (760) No answer picked: 22% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 120: What was the name of Istanbul before its capture by the Turks? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Constantinople - 69% (6401) Byzance - 6% (522) Adrienople - 3% (311) Nicosia - 3% (271) No answer picked: 19% (1796) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 121: What is the name of the explorer who led the first (proven) expedition around the globe? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Cristobal Columbus - 11% (1042) Amerigo Vespucci - 7% (623) Vasco da Gama - 12% (1086) Fernão de Magalhães (Magellan) - 51% (4769) No answer picked: 19% (1779) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 122: Where was Christopher Columbus from? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Spain - 45% (4766) Portugal - 11% (1219) Venice - 7% (703) Genoa - 21% (2272) No answer picked: 16% (1651) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 124: Of the following Napoleonic battles, which one was a defeat for Napoleonic France? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Austerlitz - 15% (1366) The Pyramids - 8% (717) Wagram - 9% (885) Trafalgar - 47% (4379) No answer picked: 21% (1971) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 125: When did the Dutch declare independence for the first time? Author: willemvanoranje - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
1522 - 17% (846) 1581 - 34% (1658) 1672 - 15% (744) 1815 - 6% (280) No answer picked: 28% (1375) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 126: Who wrote the first version of the Dutch constitution as used today? Author: willemvanoranje - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Willem I van Oranje-Nassau - 27% (864) Van Oldernbarneveldt - 18% (588) Thorbecke - 16% (519) De Witth - 9% (299) No answer picked: 30% (951) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 129: Which book is said to have played an important role in the Hungary uprising against the Soviet-Union? Author: willemvanoranje - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
George Orwell's 1984 - 38% (1537) John Milton's Paradise Lost - 14% (553) Thomas More's Utopia - 22% (898) H.G. Wells' The Time Machine - 3% (121) No answer picked: 22% (899) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 130: In what year did Alaric the Goth sack Rome? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
378 AD - 13% (410) 390 AD - 15% (466) 410 AD - 31% (993) 455 AD - 13% (403) No answer picked: 29% (908) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 131: Many scholars choose May 6, 1527, as an end point for the Renaissance. What event occurred on that date? Author: Calgacus - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The death of Dante Alighieri - 8% (392) The death of Cesare Borgia - 9% (415) The fall of the republic of Florence - 27% (1307) The sack of Rome by soldiers of Charles V - 27% (1330) No answer picked: 29% (1419) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 132: The 'quinquennium Neronis', probably the first 5 years of Nero's reign, was said to have been a golden age. Who apparently said this? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Nerva - 9% (264) Trajan - 18% (556) Marcus Aurelius - 20% (589) Seneca - 25% (744) No answer picked: 29% (867) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 133: Which Theban leader is credited with the formation of the famous Sacred Band? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Epaminondas - 17% (537) Gorgidas - 19% (592) Pelopidas - 21% (671) Oedipus - 12% (387) No answer picked: 30% (957) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 134: In the 960s, having been defeated in war by Pandulf (the Duke of Capua) and with Berengarius II (King of Italy) looking to take control of Rome, Pope John XII requested the help of which ruler? Author: Calgacus - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Lothair I (King of France) - 20% (793) Otto I (King of Germany) - 37% (1478) Al-Muti (Abbasid Caliph) - 6% (224) John I Tzimisces (Byzantine Emperor) - 15% (589) No answer picked: 24% (952) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 135: The Khanates of Astrakhan and Kazan were conquered in the reign of which Muscovite ruler? Author: Calgacus - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others
Dmitrii Donskoi - 6% (272) Ivan III - 26% (1253) Vasilii III - 9% (414) Ivan IV - 29% (1409) No answer picked: 31% (1472) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 136: Which ruler of the 'Rus' conquered the Jewish Turkic state known as Khazaria? Author: Calgacus - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Riurik - 12% (366) Igor - 22% (671) Sviatoslav - 22% (687) Iaroslav the Wise - 13% (399) No answer picked: 31% (940) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 137: In the late 17th century, the Scots attempted to found a colony in modern day Panama. What name is usually given to this ill-fated expedition? Author: Calgacus - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
Darien Expedition - 27% (807) New Caledonia Expedition - 21% (618) Panama Expedition - 12% (349) Nova Scotia Expedition - 10% (311) No answer picked: 30% (890) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 138: On the 16th April 1746, the last pitched land battle to have taken place in Britain took place, in which the hopes of 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' came to an end. What was the name of this battle? Author: Calgacus - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Killiecrankie - 12% (466) Sheriffmuir - 12% (462) Prestonpans - 13% (504) Culloden - 38% (1521) No answer picked: 26% (1040) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 139: The ancient city of Antioch lay within the boundaries of what modern country? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Greece - 14% (1047) Turkey - 32% (2329) Syria - 23% (1659) Egypt - 5% (376) No answer picked: 26% (1885) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 140: In what year did Constantine the Great hold the Council of Nicaea? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
278 - 8% (329) 302 - 18% (724) 325 - 39% (1543) 389 - 12% (460) No answer picked: 24% (942) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 141: Which modern author is famous for his historical novel about Julian the Apostate? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Gore Vidal - 26% (796) Robert Graves - 23% (709) Rex Warner - 12% (383) Henryx Sienkiewicz - 8% (245) No answer picked: 31% (964) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 142: The Persian satrapy of Skudra included which two areas? Author: Calgacus - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Macedonia and Thrace - 18% (574) Thrace and Asia Minor - 14% (432) Asia Minor and Syria - 21% (642) Syria and Palestine - 17% (518) No answer picked: 30% (945) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 143: Where was the largest Jewish state in history located? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Egypt - 14% (1017) The Levant - 20% (1457) Mesopotamia - 26% (1893) Central Asia - 15% (1134) No answer picked: 25% (1857) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 146: Which of the following 19th century American figures was NOT nominated for the US Presidency by the Whig Party? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Senator Henry Clay - 11% (348) General Winfield Scott - 17% (533) Senator Daniel Webster - 25% (773) General Zachary Taylor - 16% (481) No answer picked: 31% (947) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 147: Which of the following US Presidential elections had the closest electoral vote? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
2000 (Bush vs Gore) - 37% (1803) 1976 (Carter vs Ford) - 6% (297) 1960 (Kennedy vs Nixon) - 14% (669) 1876 (Hayes vs Tilden) - 16% (793) No answer picked: 27% (1305) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 148: Out of the following unsucessful US Presidential candidates, who won the most electoral votes? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Strom Thurmond - 16% (797) George McGovern - 23% (1109) Walter Mondale - 20% (988) Eugene V. Debbs - 11% (563) No answer picked: 29% (1440) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 151: Many US states, most famously Texas and Hawaii, were once independent countries. Which of the following states was also independent at one time? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
Vermont - 22% (926) Nevada - 9% (368) New Mexico - 25% (1032) Alaska - 22% (924) No answer picked: 21% (888) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 152: Which of the following groups were not given official recognition under the Ottoman empire? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Orthodox Christians - 9% (349) Jews - 21% (855) Armenian Christians - 23% (917) Shi'i Muslims - 26% (1067) No answer picked: 22% (884) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 153: How many women do most experts agree Jack the Ripper killed? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World
2 - 3% (108) 5 - 27% (1092) 9 - 30% (1218) 14 - 18% (737) No answer picked: 21% (852) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 154: Approximately what percentage of Hohenzollern Kings of Prussia or Germany were named 'Frederick', 'Wilhelm', or the combination 'Frederick Wilhelm'? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
25% - 6% (230) 50% - 19% (748) 75% - 26% (1036) 100% - 25% (991) No answer picked: 24% (943) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 155: Only five US Presidents have had full beards. What did they all have in common? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
They all served in the US Civil War - 13% (529) They were all Republicans - 38% (1553) They all served just one term - 22% (904) All of their Vice-Presidents had moustaches - 6% (235) No answer picked: 22% (917) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 158: All three times Mexico has been invaded from the sea (by the Spanish, by the Americans, and by the French), the invaders have landed at virtually the same location. Which modern Mexican city does that location correspond with? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Latin America
Matamoros - 5% (200) Tampico - 9% (359) Veracruz - 46% (1847) Cancun - 16% (655) No answer picked: 24% (941) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 159: Which Khazar bek converted the country to Judaism? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Obadiah - 19% (594) Hazer Tarkhan - 23% (689) Bulan Sabriel - 15% (454) Joseph - 12% (380) No answer picked: 31% (937) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 160: Which was not a Great Khan of Mongolia? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Ogadai Khan - 12% (350) Batu Khan - 24% (737) Guyuk Khan - 18% (555) Mongke Khan - 18% (540) No answer picked: 28% (853) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 161: Who conquered the last of the Khwarazmian Empire, crossed and conquered the Caucasus and marched north into Russia defeating an army more than 12 times larger in only a few months? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
General Subedei - 21% (639) King Alexander the Great - 18% (566) Hulagu Khan - 24% (744) Khagan Alp Arslan - 7% (221) No answer picked: 29% (902) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 162: What was the last Mongol state to be conquered by a foreign power? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Khanate of the Crimea - 20% (634) Mughal Empire - 25% (772) Dzungaria - 17% (525) Khalka Horde - 9% (293) No answer picked: 29% (905) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 163: Who was America's first president? Author: Riesstiu IV - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: United States
John Adams - 3% (256) Thomas Jefferson - 3% (309) Abraham Lincoln - 7% (611) George Washington - 70% (6552) No answer picked: 18% (1644) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 164: Where did Charles the Bold, last reigning Duke of Burgundy, die? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
In Dijon - 23% (1113) In Nancy - 24% (1178) In London - 13% (656) In Paris - 11% (525) No answer picked: 29% (1420) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 165: Which British officer was defeated at Isandlwana by Zulu troops armed with shield and spears? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Lt. Gen. Lord Chelmsford - 31% (1502) Sir Henry Bartle Frere - 13% (632) Lord Baden-Powell - 17% (838) Sir Theophilus Shepstone - 7% (357) No answer picked: 31% (1486) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 166: Which Hellenistic monarch was killed at the battle of Ipsus in 301 BC? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Seleucus I ('the Conqueror') - 17% (523) Lysimachus I - 13% (394) Antigonus I ('the One-Eyed') - 25% (780) Ptolemy I ('the Savior') - 15% (460) No answer picked: 31% (960) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 167: Which US political party was the first to use national conventions to nominate presidential candidates? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
The Democratic-Republican Party - 26% (807) The Know-Nothing Party - 7% (215) The Anti-Masonic Party - 13% (398) The Whig Party - 25% (771) No answer picked: 30% (927) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 170: Who lost the Battle of Tannenburg (or Grunwald) against Poland-Lithuania in 1410? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Russians - 14% (436) The Mongols - 11% (337) The Teutonic Knights - 37% (1165) The Magyars - 9% (266) No answer picked: 29% (921) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 171: The Balkan Wars lasted from: Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
1897-1902 - 48% (5081) 1912-1913 - 17% (1805) 1909-1911 - 11% (1167) 1911-1912 - 6% (635) No answer picked: 18% (1921) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 172: The Seven Weeks War was between which countries? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
France and Prussia - 21% (821) France and Spain - 14% (549) Austria and Prussia - 33% (1306) France and Austria - 10% (409) No answer picked: 21% (841) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 174: Which country employed Henry Hudson to find the famous 'NorthWest-Passage'? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
England - 34% (1335) The Netherlands - 26% (1025) Denmark - 10% (388) France - 8% (322) No answer picked: 23% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 175: What was the most populous tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Seneca - 23% (686) Mohawk - 34% (1038) Onondaga - 10% (317) Cayuga - 4% (121) No answer picked: 29% (868) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 176: The St Marco Campanile standing in Venice today is a copy. How and when was the original destroyed? Author: K. - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
It was burnt by Austrian troops in the XVIIth century - 10% (303) It was destroyed on orders of Napoleon to punish Venetian resistance in 1799 - 21% (662) It burnt down in 1756 in a fire which destroyed part of central Venice - 20% (637) It collapsed in 1902 due to severe structural faults - 17% (516) No answer picked: 32% (992) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 177: In which city were General Franco's headquarters located during the Spanish Civil War? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Burgos - 21% (662) Toledo - 25% (782) Valladolid - 14% (426) Leon - 12% (360) No answer picked: 29% (892) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 178: After being released from prison in 1953, to which country was Fidel Castro exiled? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Latin America
Honduras - 28% (1120) Haiti - 18% (719) Mexico - 25% (998) Spain - 8% (330) No answer picked: 21% (839) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 179: What was the last Republican city to fall to the Nationalist in the Spanish Civil War? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Zaragoza - 17% (790) Murcia - 8% (395) Toledo - 18% (852) Valencia - 29% (1395) No answer picked: 28% (1330) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 180: Which of the following was never part of the Britsh Empire? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Zanzibar - 10% (503) Dijbouti - 37% (1792) Malta - 9% (455) Cyprus - 17% (819) No answer picked: 26% (1260) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 181: What was the Apadana? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The name of the 'High Road' which stretched from Assyria through Media to Parthia - 19% (584) The name of the tomb of Darius the Great of Persia - 14% (412) The name of the main hall of the Palace in Persepolis - 25% (752) The name of the tomb of Cyrus the Great of Persia - 11% (322) No answer picked: 32% (958) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 182: What was the capital of the NorthWest Territory in the modern day USA? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Detroit - 20% (933) Dayton - 13% (628) Chillicothe - 20% (952) Chicago - 18% (878) No answer picked: 29% (1363) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 183: What was the old Scottish name for Königsberg? Author: Calgacus - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Kingisburgh - 25% (762) Queynisbrig - 22% (658) Counistoun - 12% (370) Dunri - 11% (333) No answer picked: 30% (911) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 184: Friedrich Barbarossa died in 1190, to the great relief of Saladin, while travelling through Asia Minor on crusade. On which Crusade was this? Author: Calgacus - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
1st Crusade - 7% (337) 2nd Crusade - 22% (1075) 3rd Crusade - 38% (1846) 5th Crusade - 6% (275) No answer picked: 28% (1342) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 185: Which general succeeded Alexander the Great in Thrace? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Lysimachus - 21% (636) Antigonus - 22% (677) Seleucus - 16% (490) Ptolemy - 14% (429) No answer picked: 27% (837) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 186: Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Harold Holt - 10% (308) Edmund Barton - 31% (924) Robert Menzies - 16% (470) John Howard - 14% (409) No answer picked: 30% (895) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 187: During the American Civil War, who was President of the Confederate States of America? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: United States
Robert E. Lee - 54% (7132) Andrew Johnson - 6% (745) Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson - 6% (746) Jefferson Davis - 21% (2787) No answer picked: 14% (1834) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 188: Who founded the Mughal dynasty? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Akbar - 21% (842) Babur - 31% (1263) Abbas the Great - 12% (478) Tamerlane - 13% (526) No answer picked: 24% (969) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 189: On July 2, 1881, lawyer and itinerant preacher Charles Guiteau fatally shot recently-elected US President James Garfield. Why? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Guiteau had asked to become ambassador to France and had been rejected - 22% (1021) Guiteau was a Democrat and thus disliked the Republican Garfield - 7% (353) Guiteau believed his wife had cheated on him with Garfield several years earlier - 11% (527) Guiteau believed that God had ordered him to do it - 30% (1403) No answer picked: 30% (1408) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 190: In 1901, US President William McKinley was fatally shot by Leon Czolgosz. What kind of political extremist was Czolgosz? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
A Socialist - 13% (513) A supporter of unlimited silver coinage - 6% (252) An opponent of the Spanish-American war (which had occured under McKinley's first term) - 13% (529) An Anarchist - 44% (1744) No answer picked: 23% (900) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 191: Which US President was nicknamed 'Old Kinderhook?' His supporters formed 'OK Clubs' and are sometimes credited with the origin of the phrase 'okay.' Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Andrew Jackson - 15% (437) James K. Polk - 22% (641) Martin Van Buren - 25% (755) Millard Fillmore - 8% (238) No answer picked: 30% (895) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 192: In 19th century American politics, what was a 'Loco-Foco?' Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
A derrogatory term for a Democrat - 19% (585) A New York Whig - 9% (289) A follower of President Millard Fillmore - 10% (316) Somebody who opposed the Mexican-American war - 33% (1025) No answer picked: 29% (905) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 193: Which Middle Eastern empire created its own language for government use? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
The Safavids - 13% (619) The Mamluks - 15% (718) The Ottomans - 35% (1642) The Il-Khanate - 8% (351) No answer picked: 29% (1338) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 196: How many Dalai Lamas have there been? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
13 - 14% (449) 14 - 32% (1005) 15 - 17% (549) 16 - 10% (315) No answer picked: 27% (855) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 198: What was the capital of the Zulus under King Cetshwayo? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
kwa-Zulu - 18% (862) Ulundi - 32% (1508) Zimbabwe - 14% (691) Bapedi - 6% (277) No answer picked: 30% (1446) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 199: Bolivia lost its access to the ocean in the Pacific War. Which country defeated Bolivia in that war? Author: Luiz - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Latin America
Brazil - 11% (766) Peru - 22% (1565) Argentina - 16% (1152) Chile - 25% (1784) No answer picked: 27% (1924) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 200: Only one South American country had a Monarchy. Which was it? Author: Luiz - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Latin America
Argentina - 55% (7427) Brazil - 17% (2323) Paraguay - 8% (1086) Uruguay - 5% (694) No answer picked: 14% (1878) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 205: What was the league established by the Macedonian King Philip II to gain hegemony over Greece? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Achaean League - 25% (1190) League of Corinth - 29% (1400) Amphictyonic League - 7% (335) League of Argos - 10% (468) No answer picked: 29% (1409) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 211: Which of the following is NOT considered an American objective in the War of 1812? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
The annexation of Canada - 23% (937) Aiding Napoleon in Europe by creating another front for the British - 41% (1629) Stopping British impressment of US sailors - 7% (268) Expelling the British from the Northwest Territories - 7% (297) No answer picked: 22% (874) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 212: Which sultan extended the Ottoman Empire to within 90 miles of Vienna, which he unsucessfully beseiged? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Selim the Grim - 5% (381) Mehmet the Conqueror - 19% (1392) Ishmael I - 11% (819) Sulieman the Magnificent - 36% (2575) No answer picked: 28% (1993) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 213: Who became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1945, replacing Winston Churchill? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Clement Attlee - 60% (8049) Anthony Eden - 6% (735) Stanley Baldwin - 7% (900) Neville Chamberlain - 13% (1791) No answer picked: 14% (1887) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 214: During the Iranian revolution, a group of Americans was taken hostage at the US embassy by radicals, leading to a serious international incident. For how long were these hostages held? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
153 days - 17% (850) 356 days - 13% (635) 397 days - 15% (749) 444 days - 25% (1224) No answer picked: 29% (1427) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 216: Where was Napoleon born? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Sardinia - 12% (1150) French Guiana - 13% (1192) Corsica - 49% (4520) Elba - 7% (643) No answer picked: 19% (1752) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 217: Which European royal family, often the butt of inbreeding jokes, once ruled Austria? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
the Hohenzollerns - 7% (630) the Hohenstaufens - 12% (1128) the Habsburgs - 55% (5047) the Hoechingens - 4% (352) No answer picked: 22% (1982) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 221: Which city served as a co-capital of the ancient Persian empire and was the scene of a bizare mass wedding between hundreds of Alexander the Great's soldiers and native women? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Persepolis - 33% (1599) Susa - 19% (910) Ninevah - 14% (654) Ctesiphon - 7% (319) No answer picked: 28% (1351) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 228: Which was not an Iranian dynasty? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Achaemenid - 23% (897) Fatimid - 28% (1110) Saffarid - 15% (599) Sassanid - 11% (446) No answer picked: 23% (913) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 229: The 25th Dynasty of Egypt originally ruled which foreign empire? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Libya - 8% (406) Nubia - 34% (1637) Persia - 14% (650) None, it was native Egyptian - 15% (697) No answer picked: 29% (1398) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 230: In the 1st Century BC, Crassus (reportedly the richest man of Rome) led a disastrous and embarrassing campaign against who? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Forces of Julius Caesar - 28% (1150) The Gallic Tribe of the Parisii - 13% (532) The Nubian Empire - 10% (388) The Parthian Empire - 25% (1034) No answer picked: 24% (975) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 253: How many U.S. Presidents were assassinated during their terms in office, and who were they? Author: Tanis Half-Halo - Category: Global History Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: United States
Two: Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 27% (2942) Three: Abraham Lincoln, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and James Garfield - 21% (2237) Four: Abraham Lincoln, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, William Mckinley, and James Garfield - 33% (3621) Four: Abraham Lincoln, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Gerald Ford, and John Adams - 3% (309) No answer picked: 16% (1776) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 255: Which of these countries was the first to gain full independence? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Ghana - 29% (1377) Nigeria - 21% (983) Ivory Coast - 12% (554) Senegal - 10% (490) No answer picked: 29% (1358) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 256: In 1895 which African country defeated Italy allowing it to stay independent? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Eritrea - 6% (530) Liberia - 12% (1049) Ethiopia - 43% (3932) Libya - 19% (1746) No answer picked: 20% (1851) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 258: The anciant Nok civilization of Africa flourished in what modern day country? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Gabon - 11% (321) Senegal - 18% (554) Mauritania - 14% (428) Nigeria - 28% (834) No answer picked: 29% (866) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 259: Who did King Leopold II of Belgium hire to explore and found colonies in Zaire? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
David Livingstone - 23% (722) Henry Morton Stanley - 28% (906) John Hanning Speke - 16% (502) Emin Pasha - 5% (158) No answer picked: 28% (891) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 261: Rising from political obscurity, this dark horse candidate defeated the famous Henry Clay in the 1844 US Presidential elections on an expansionist platform. In four years, he fulfilled virtually all of his campaign promises by taking the current American southwest from Mexico, forcing Great Britain to give up their claim to the southern half of the Oregon territory, slashing tariffs, and building an independent treasury. He then retired and died a few years later. Who was this protege of Andrew Jackson nicknamed 'Young Hickory' or 'Napoleon of the Stump?' Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Martin van Buren - 15% (709) James K. Polk - 36% (1767) Lewis Cass - 6% (282) John Tyler - 14% (675) No answer picked: 29% (1425) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 262: From which Macedonian general was Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, descended? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Seleucus - 38% (4062) Alexander the Great - 21% (2217) Antipater - 3% (336) Ptolemy - 21% (2200) No answer picked: 17% (1815) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 265: Ronald Reagan made his first political appearence in 1964, giving a speech for which conservative Republican presidential candidate? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Nelson Rockefeller - 8% (257) Richard Nixon - 28% (860) Barry Goldwater - 28% (866) George Wallace - 6% (195) No answer picked: 29% (889) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 267: What Chinese dynasty did the Manchu minority establishes? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The Song dynasty - 6% (282) The Qing dynasty - 29% (1399) The Ming dynasty - 28% (1338) The Yuan dynasty - 10% (485) No answer picked: 28% (1348) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 271: Who was Premier of the Soviet Union in the Cuban Missle Crisis? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Others
Krushchev - 52% (3754) Stalin - 12% (877) Brezhnev - 8% (602) Kosygin - 2% (153) No answer picked: 26% (1870) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 285: Which famous poet and scientist was employed by the Seljuqs to reform the Islamic calendar? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Al-Khwarazimi - 16% (486) Al-Tusi - 10% (290) Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - 17% (522) Omar Khayyam - 25% (738) No answer picked: 32% (956) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 286: Who founded the Mongol Empire? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Genghis Khan - 62% (5638) Kublai Khan - 13% (1175) Batu Khan - 5% (430) Joan of Arc - 2% (160) No answer picked: 19% (1761) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 287: Which of these empires was not based in Mexico? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Latin America
Aztec - 7% (615) Inca - 46% (4193) Olmec - 17% (1601) Toltec - 11% (997) No answer picked: 19% (1765) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 288: Which of these cities never was a capital of Assyria? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Ashur - 8% (315) Babylon - 31% (1203) Dur-Sharrukin - 27% (1041) Nineveh - 12% (479) No answer picked: 23% (884) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 290: Where was Cyrus the Great's tomb built? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
In his capital of Pasargadae - 13% (407) In his capital of Persepolis - 19% (585) In a cliff-face on the road to Persepolis - 13% (403) No one knows - his tomb has never been found - 26% (785) No answer picked: 29% (888) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 293: By what disaster was St. Pierre, the old capital of Martinique, destroyed? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
A massive fire - 13% (398) A typhoon - 11% (341) A volcanic eruption - 35% (1044) The explosion of a munition storage - 10% (293) No answer picked: 31% (923) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 294: By what name was the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, known? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Ledra - 17% (505) Famagusta - 18% (529) Salamis - 24% (711) Polis - 11% (337) No answer picked: 29% (850) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 295: After the emperor of China, Pu Yi , was captured by the communist, what occupation did he take? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Custodian - 12% (469) Politician - 9% (331) Sales clerk - 8% (300) Gardener - 49% (1902) No answer picked: 23% (880) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 296: Between which European Powers was the Crimean War mainly fought? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Russians, British, and French against the Ottomans - 54% (7203) The British and French against the Ottomans - 8% (1005) The Ottomans, British and French against the Russians - 18% (2355) The Russians against the Crimean Tartars - 6% (748) No answer picked: 15% (1975) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 300: From what country did Britain begin to recruit Gurkha soldiers in 1816? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
India - 30% (1188) South Africa - 7% (276) Birmany - 4% (158) Nepal - 38% (1504) No answer picked: 21% (820) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 302: How many million immigrants came to the United States between 1880 and 1900? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
5 millions - 7% (225) 9 millions - 25% (752) 15 millions - 25% (759) 21 millions - 14% (422) No answer picked: 29% (866) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 303: Which of the following happened the earliest in the United Kingdom? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The official adoption of the gold standard - 24% (714) The adoption of postal stamps - 21% (628) The abolition of slavery throughout its empire - 22% (672) The adoption of women's suffrage - 4% (129) No answer picked: 29% (867) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 304: What was the name of the first transatlantic passenger steamship? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World
Titanic - 12% (364) S.S. Great Britain - 24% (737) Constitution - 12% (369) Great Western - 26% (789) No answer picked: 27% (831) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 306: What country shipped out the first ever shipment of frozen meat in 1877, and to which country? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
The United States, to France - 17% (497) France, to the United Kingdom - 11% (334) Argentina, to France - 24% (718) British Canada, to the United Kingdom - 20% (587) No answer picked: 29% (866) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 307: What country built the first purpose-built oil tanker in 1886? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The United States - 18% (556) The United Kingdom - 25% (750) France - 8% (249) Germany - 22% (660) No answer picked: 27% (821) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 308: What was the first continental European state to complete its rail network, in the 1840s? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Prussia - 24% (980) Belgium - 28% (1148) France - 21% (867) Piedmont - 4% (173) No answer picked: 23% (928) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 310: What did Britain trade the island of Helgoland with Germany for? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
5 million pounds - 10% (388) The recognition of British rights on South Africa - 20% (806) A treaty in which Germany recognised the independence of Belgium and the Netherlands - 20% (776) The islands of Pemba and Zanzibar - 25% (988) No answer picked: 25% (982) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 311: What country saw native religion fused with Christianity in 1865's 'Hau Hau' movement? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Mexico - 7% (210) Japan - 11% (332) Indochina - 25% (742) New Zealand - 29% (871) No answer picked: 29% (864) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 312: What U.S. naval commander signed the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854, opening Japan to the west for the first time? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
John Rogers - 9% (619) Matthew Perry - 39% (2779) James Biddle - 11% (797) Francis Shermann - 12% (870) No answer picked: 28% (2012) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 313: Where was the first British colonial railroad? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
India - 34% (1027) South Africa - 13% (413) Jamaica - 12% (371) Canada - 13% (413) No answer picked: 27% (840) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 314: What entity did Napoleon replace the Holy Roman Empire with in 1806? Author: Sultan - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Germanic Union - 8% (314) The Holy League - 20% (766) The Frankfort Confederation - 7% (291) The Confederation of the Rhine - 41% (1618) No answer picked: 24% (922) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 321: Of what Near Eastern kingdom was the ancient city of Petra, in modern day Jordan, the capital ? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
The Phillistine Kingdom - 20% (593) The Moab Kingdom - 14% (428) The Nabatean Kingdom - 26% (780) The Sheba Kingdom - 10% (299) No answer picked: 30% (902) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 322: How did Joan of Arc die? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
She received a fatal wound during a failed siege of Paris - 5% (496) She died of Black Fever during a campaign - 6% (543) She was assasinated on orders of the Earl of Warwick - 6% (580) She was burnt as an heretic by the English in Rouen - 62% (5732) No answer picked: 20% (1866) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 325: Midway was the first Japanese naval defeat since: Author: Stephane David - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
1327 - 12% (373) 1592 - 27% (854) 1831 - 20% (627) 1905 - 13% (413) No answer picked: 28% (889) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 328: Which Spanish conquistador destroyed the Aztec (or Mexica) empire in what is now Mexico? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Latin America
Francisco Pizzaro - 12% (1093) Hernan Cortés - 53% (4883) Diego Velazquez - 8% (771) Ponce de Léon - 6% (515) No answer picked: 20% (1870) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 331: Which monarch launched the Spanish Armada against England? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Charles V - 11% (428) Phillip II - 41% (1624) Phillip III - 10% (390) Ferdinand I - 17% (655) No answer picked: 22% (851) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 332: What happened in France in 1789? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The coronation of Napoleon the First - 53% (6943) The beheading of Louis the XIVth - 10% (1297) The declaration of war against Austria - 3% (363) The fall of the Bastille prison - 21% (2728) No answer picked: 14% (1794) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 333: Which of the following is one of the Seven Wonders of the World? Author: K. - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World
The Great Wall of China - 29% (2097) The Great Library of Alexandria - 11% (781) The Taj Mahal - 13% (927) The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus - 24% (1733) No answer picked: 23% (1683) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 334: Who was defeated at the Battle of Tours (or of Poitiers) by the Franks led by Charles Martel? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The English - 21% (1948) The Germans - 13% (1208) The Spanish - 15% (1375) The Arabs - 29% (2690) No answer picked: 21% (1968) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 335: By the end of the 19th century, which country was the biggest colonial power? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World
France - 7% (640) The United Kingdom - 63% (5681) Spain - 7% (648) Germany - 4% (398) No answer picked: 19% (1701) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 336: On which side did Italy fight in World War One? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
With Germany - 24% (2245) With the Allies - 39% (3618) Briefly against France, but alone - 7% (614) It was neutral - 10% (927) No answer picked: 20% (1837) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 337: Which of those territories never was a Venitian possesion? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Cyprus - 18% (1634) Morea - 18% (1584) Crete - 15% (1326) Sicily - 28% (2493) No answer picked: 22% (1936) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 338: Which state sold Corsica to France in 1768? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Genoa - 32% (2850) Venice - 19% (1667) The Papal States - 19% (1657) The United Kingdom - 10% (854) No answer picked: 21% (1901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 339: Which of those territories was never under European control during the 19th century? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Ivory Coast - 8% (553) Madagascar - 20% (1401) Rwanda - 12% (863) Ethiopia - 35% (2446) No answer picked: 25% (1766) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 340: Which Roman Emperor converted to Christianity, legalised and supported it though never made it the official religion? Author: K. - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Maxentius - 17% (2131) Constantine - 45% (5817) Augustus - 22% (2776) Julian - 2% (315) No answer picked: 14% (1785) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 341: Who was crowned King of Italy in 1861? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Victor Emmanuel - 56% (5671) Humbert - 5% (475) Garibaldi - 15% (1568) Camillo Benso - 6% (581) No answer picked: 19% (1899) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 342: Which French king built Versailles? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
François I - 4% (402) Louis XII - 13% (1196) Louis XIV - 51% (4654) Louis XVI - 10% (932) No answer picked: 21% (1864) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 343: Which of the following was a Portuguese colony? Author: K. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Madagascar - 19% (1396) Sri Lanka - 13% (937) Zimbabwe - 9% (641) Mozambique - 33% (2387) No answer picked: 26% (1847) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 345: Fifteen-century ruler Vlad III Dracula ('Vlad the Impaler') is best remembered today for inspiring Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. What land did he rule? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Bulgaria - 15% (1097) Albania - 16% (1156) Moldavia - 18% (1252) Wallachia - 24% (1746) No answer picked: 27% (1902) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 346: When was the Holy Roman Empire dissolved? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
In 1637, during the Thirty Years War - 28% (2583) In 1806, during the Napoleonic Wars - 31% (2877) In 1848, during the waves of revolts sweeping though Europe - 12% (1097) In 1918, following the defeat of Austria-Hungary and Germany - 7% (650) No answer picked: 21% (1968) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 347: Which Pope launched the First Crusade? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Alexius I - 6% (227) Gregory VII - 18% (731) Urban II - 37% (1499) Pius V - 17% (664) No answer picked: 22% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 348: What Islamic dynasty was founded by Sultan Saladin? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
The Ayyubid dynasty - 21% (629) The Fatamid dynasty - 19% (564) The Abbasid dynasty - 24% (699) The Almohad dynasty - 7% (222) No answer picked: 29% (859) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 356: Who was surnamed the 'Father of History'? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Hesiodus - 7% (195) Herodotus - 53% (1579) Thucydides - 8% (251) Xenophon - 5% (144) No answer picked: 28% (823) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 357: What political system based on a strict social hierarchy with land-owning nobles at the top was dominant in middle-age Europe? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Geocentrism - 4% (318) Feudalism - 68% (6128) Tribalism - 4% (398) Theocentrism - 3% (269) No answer picked: 21% (1883) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 359: What was the original name of New York? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: United States
Fort Victoria - 11% (976) New Amsterdam - 54% (5013) New London - 11% (1046) New Rotterdam - 5% (488) No answer picked: 19% (1708) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 360: Who proclaimed himself emperor of the USA and Protector of Mexico, even printing his own money? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Joshua Abraham Norton - 24% (731) Johnatan Louis Wilsson - 12% (361) John Riley Marsden - 15% (458) William Joshua Pitt - 18% (533) No answer picked: 31% (923) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 361: Why was Greenland called Greenland? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Others
The seawater around the island is particularly green - 19% (2251) Grenn is the Old Norish word for rock - 26% (3036) To convince potential settlers of its fertility - 35% (4150) Because it was used for initation rites for Icelandic Vikings - 4% (530) No answer picked: 15% (1827) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 362: How did the Byzantines call themselves? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Romans - 36% (1436) Hellens - 17% (676) Greeks - 11% (429) Ionians - 14% (568) No answer picked: 22% (874) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 363: Of which country was Salazar dictator? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World
East Timor - 38% (3950) Angola - 8% (887) Portugal - 19% (1956) Chile - 17% (1741) No answer picked: 18% (1912) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 364: How did the rule of Charles V of Spain end? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
He was murdered - 11% (514) In a civil war - 13% (625) He was deposed by his son - 18% (840) He abdicated - 31% (1472) No answer picked: 28% (1331) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 365: By what name was Iran known before the 20th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Kabyllistan - 4% (378) Ormouz - 3% (233) Persia - 69% (6431) Arabia - 6% (535) No answer picked: 18% (1694) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 368: After whom was Virginia named? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
Queen Victoria - 14% (545) Virginia, the Countess of Kent - 16% (643) Queen Elizabeth I - 36% (1398) Maria, the Holy Virgin - 13% (501) No answer picked: 21% (839) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 369: What was the name of the Swiss satelite-state that was established in 1798 by the French? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Swiss Republic - 11% (519) Helvetian Republic - 45% (2113) Baseler republic - 12% (560) Chur Republic - 3% (164) No answer picked: 29% (1375) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 370: Who famously delcared 'Veni, vidi, vici' ? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Julius Caesar - 56% (5143) Augustus - 13% (1144) Cicero - 9% (836) Cato the elder - 2% (190) No answer picked: 20% (1837) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 376: Which future American President helped deliver food help to occupied Belgium during the First World War? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World
Theodore Roosevelt - 13% (395) Woodrow Wilson - 15% (456) Harry S. Truman - 22% (682) Herbert Clark Hoover - 22% (671) No answer picked: 28% (855) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 377: Of which country was Finland part before 1809? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Russia - 26% (1015) Denmark - 11% (428) Sweden - 32% (1241) Norway - 10% (402) No answer picked: 21% (839) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 378: Which Roman Emperor allegedly made his horse senator? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Trajan - 10% (303) Heliogabal - 6% (174) Caligula - 51% (1516) Diocletian - 6% (165) No answer picked: 28% (839) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 380: What happened to a Dutch fleet during the Napoleonic wars? Author: Stephane David - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
It ran aground after the Dutch destroyed some dykes. - 5% (221) It destroyed itself when several ships fired at each others during the night by mistake. - 15% (691) It was captured by a French cavalry charge. - 16% (749) It was sabotaged in Antwerp harbour by English spies to prevent it from reinforcing the French navy after Napoleon gave the Dutch crown to one of his brother - 34% (1577) No answer picked: 30% (1387) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 382: Of the following dynasties, which was arguably one of the superpowers of the ancient world, rivaled only by the Romans, with whom they were often at war? They were based in modern-day Iran. Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The Achaemenids - 12% (472) The Seleucids - 15% (597) The Medes - 13% (521) The Parthians - 36% (1404) No answer picked: 24% (924) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 383: This Soviet premier, a former KGB head who suceeded Brezhnev, was seen as a potential reformer (even as pro-Western) by much of the European and American press, despite his rather conservative actions. He died after little over a year in office due to acute kidney failure. Who was he? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others
Yuri Andropov - 38% (1738) Andrei Gromyko - 9% (402) Konstantin Chernenko - 18% (812) Ivan Kissov - 7% (319) No answer picked: 29% (1352) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 386: Of the following Nazi leaders, which one was NOT condemned to death at the Nuremberg trial? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Hermann Göring - 9% (273) Joachim von Ribbentrop - 14% (420) Juliues Streicher - 13% (406) Rudolf Hess - 35% (1076) No answer picked: 29% (886) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 390: Which of the following statement is NOT true of Jean Bedel Bokassa, former ruler of the Central African Republic? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
He crowned himself Emperor in a ceremony copied on Napoleon I's coronation - 11% (327) He is widely believed to have practised cannibalism, though it was never proven - 16% (483) Born a catholic, he converted to Islam after a meeting with Qadaffi - before converting back a few month later - 22% (653) He believed himself to be descended from Ramses II, Salomon and Saladdin - 19% (566) No answer picked: 32% (957) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 393: Which of the following US Presidents was elected by the US House of Representatives in a year when no candidate won a majority in the electoral college? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Thomas Jefferson - 24% (693) Andrew Jackson - 16% (484) Benjamin Harrison - 17% (503) Grover Cleveland - 13% (396) No answer picked: 29% (865) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 394: Which US politican shot and killed former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (who currently appears on the $10 bill) in a duel? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States
Andrew Jackson - 14% (423) Aaron Burr - 40% (1250) John C. Calhoun - 11% (333) Jefferson Davis - 6% (202) No answer picked: 29% (904) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 398: How much did the Federal State of Germany spend on German Reunification between 1990 and 1999? Author: K. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
5 billion euros - 9% (344) 125 billion euros - 27% (1054) 600 billions euros - 31% (1208) 3 trillions euros - 9% (354) No answer picked: 24% (933) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 403: Which king of Norway founded the city of Bergen in 1070? Author: Viking - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Olav III Kyrre - 20% (609) Harald Fairhair - 13% (404) Harald Hardraade - 17% (516) Olav Tryggvason - 18% (535) No answer picked: 32% (962) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 410: The following is an extract from the Bayeux Tapestry, a famous Middle-Age artwork. What does it represent? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Charlemagne's campaign against the Hungarians - 14% (524) The fall of Rome to the Goths - 7% (255) The Riders of Rohan preparing for battle - 10% (368) William the Conqueror's invasion of England - 46% (1746) No answer picked: 23% (879) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 413: Where is the monument shown below located? Author: K. - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
In western France - 4% (326) In southern Sweden - 5% (434) In southern England - 65% (5949) In Sicily, Italy - 8% (685) No answer picked: 19% (1718) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 414: To which Spanish kingdom does this flag belong? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Castile - 43% (1323) Aragon - 14% (423) Leon - 8% (250) Navarro - 7% (216) No answer picked: 27% (837) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 416: Who was the last Great Khan of Mongolia? Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Batu Khan - 13% (595) Guyuk Khan - 8% (382) Kublai Khan - 44% (2081) Mongke Khan - 8% (390) No answer picked: 26% (1242) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 424: What world-famous monument is shown below? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East) - picture
The Taj Mahal near Agra, India - 58% (6404) The Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey - 13% (1422) The Angkor Vat temple in Cambodia - 12% (1336) Humayun's Tomb in Delhi, India - 1% (142) No answer picked: 15% (1683) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 425: Of which ancient civilization is the mural below typical? Author: K. - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
The Egyptians - 5% (232) The Romans - 6% (291) The Phoenicians - 14% (653) The Minoans - 48% (2266) No answer picked: 27% (1304) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 453: Of what Italian City was the flag below (with variations) the emblem? Author: K. - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Venice - 40% (1553) Genoa - 18% (681) Pisae - 5% (187) Naples - 15% (578) No answer picked: 23% (879) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 458: What is the date of Charlemagne's coronation? Author: Stephane - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
600 AD - 14% (535) 700 AD - 20% (768) 800 AD - 35% (1337) 900 AD - 8% (300) No answer picked: 23% (891) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 459: Of which country was James I the King before becoming King of England? Author: Stephane - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Scotland - 48% (4356) Eire - 3% (303) Normandy - 11% (1007) Wales - 16% (1486) No answer picked: 21% (1865) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 460: Who was the leader of the Russian provisional government after the fall of the Romanovs? Author: Mike McLaughlin - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Vladimir Lenin - 30% (869) Stalin - 7% (203) Prince Lvov - 22% (621) Georgii Plekhanov - 14% (403) No answer picked: 27% (782) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 463: What palace is shown below? Author: K. - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Buckingham Palace, London, UK - 18% (1260) Versailles Palace, Versailles, France - 42% (2941) Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria - 12% (879) Upper Belvedere, Vienna, Austria - 4% (290) No answer picked: 24% (1694) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 474: Which treaty, signed by Italy, Germany, and Japan in 1940, recognized the right of each member to 'establish a new world order' in their respective parts of the world? Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World
The Axis Pact - 35% (1364) The Rome Pact - 7% (281) The Tripartite Pact - 32% (1259) The Molotov-Rippentrop Act - 3% (120) No answer picked: 23% (892) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 488: Who is this man? Author: Joe Gosnell - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East) - picture
Cheing-kai Sheck - 9% (442) Ho Chi Minh - 17% (816) Mao Zedong - 6% (276) Pol Pot - 41% (1940) No answer picked: 26% (1243) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 490: Which best represents the order of Muslim dynasties in pre-Modern Egypt (oldest to most recent) Author: OHgamer - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Mamluk-Fatimid-Ottoman-Umayyad - 8% (249) Fatimid-Ottoman-Umayyad-Mamluk - 8% (224) Ottoman-Umayyad-Mamluk-Fatimid - 11% (328) Umayyad-Fatimid-Mamluk-Ottoman - 42% (1235) No answer picked: 31% (915) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 491: Which Arab capital was founded in 969 CE by the Fatimids? Author: OHgamer - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Tunis - 13% (389) Cairo - 24% (711) Damascus - 17% (514) Baghdad - 16% (487) No answer picked: 30% (905) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 493: In what city did Charles de Gaulle make his promise of a new partnership with French colonial populations in 1944:? Author: OHgamer - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Dakar - 27% (755) Abidjan - 12% (321) Brazzaville - 23% (636) Luanda - 8% (225) No answer picked: 31% (854) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 494: Under which sultan did the Ottomans capture Constantinople from the Byzantines in 1453? Author: OHgamer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Abdulhamid II - 8% (299) Suleyman - 30% (1100) Mehmet II - 34% (1244) Selim III - 7% (255) No answer picked: 21% (787) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 495: In which city did German liberals gather in an attempt to establish a united, democratic Germany in 1848? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Berlin - 11% (527) Frankfurt-am-Main - 23% (1077) Munich - 18% (860) Weimar - 19% (884) No answer picked: 28% (1310) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 497: From which city did the Ottoman grandee Ali Pasha dominate the western Balkans in the late 18th century? Author: OHgamer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Skopje - 22% (635) Shkoder - 11% (325) Janina - 22% (627) Pristina - 15% (428) No answer picked: 31% (891) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 498: Which of the following lands was not part of Muhammad Ali's Egyptian Empire in the early 19th Century? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Hejaz - 7% (202) Crete - 22% (626) Palestine - 11% (307) Thrace - 29% (825) No answer picked: 31% (867) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 499: Which of the following was not part of the reforms undertaken by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during his rule in Turkey? Author: OHgamer - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World
Granting women the right to vote in elections - 23% (1040) Breaking up large estates and redistributing land to the peasantry - 23% (1032) Replacing Islamic law with Western legal codes as the basis for family law - 12% (543) Adoption of the Latin script for writing the Turkish language - 13% (578) No answer picked: 30% (1355) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 500: Upon what was the devshirme tax levied by the Ottomans on their Christian Balkan populations? Author: OHgamer - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Land - 13% (370) Female Children - 12% (347) Male Children - 33% (943) Commercial transactions - 10% (274) No answer picked: 33% (940) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 501: The Maji-Maji Revolt was launched in 1907 against German rule in which modern nation? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Namibia - 19% (550) Tanzania - 28% (829) Kenya - 12% (346) Cameroun - 11% (332) No answer picked: 30% (887) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 502: Under which Ottoman sultan were the Janissaries finally abolished in 1826? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Mahmud II - 18% (527) Abdulhamid II - 15% (420) Selim III - 15% (435) Mehmet V - 21% (596) No answer picked: 31% (874) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 503: The Treaty of Kuchuk Kaynarca in 1774 forced the Ottomans to cede which territory to the Russians? Author: OHgamer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Bessarabia - 10% (295) Georgia - 21% (604) Crimea - 33% (975) Dobruja - 5% (148) No answer picked: 31% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 504: Ethnike Hetairia was a secret society organized to liberate which region from Ottoman rule in the early 19th century? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Moldavia - 8% (239) Serbia - 14% (419) Bulgaria - 13% (397) Greece - 33% (968) No answer picked: 31% (922) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 506: Domingo Sarmiento and Bartolome Mitre were leaders in which Latin American nation in the 19th century? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
Peru - 15% (453) Argentina - 29% (863) Mexico - 9% (266) Chile - 16% (471) No answer picked: 30% (883) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 507: Which of the following territories was the last to remain under Spanish rule? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Latin America
Mexico - 13% (486) Peru - 10% (381) Venezuela - 13% (468) Cuba - 42% (1555) No answer picked: 23% (852) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 508: Which of the following ports was seized by the British in 1839 and eventually became a British colony? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Bahrein - 13% (356) Kuwait - 17% (494) Aden - 30% (849) Muscat - 9% (265) No answer picked: 31% (873) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 509: With which region of South Asia is the early 19th Century empire of Ranjit Singh associated with? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Punjab - 37% (1073) Kerala - 7% (206) Bengal - 18% (535) Assam - 6% (185) No answer picked: 31% (910) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 510: The Muslim League was established in 1906 in India as a result of the decision by the British to partition which province? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Bihar - 7% (192) Punjab - 30% (867) Bengal - 27% (777) Hyderabad - 8% (224) No answer picked: 30% (872) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 511: Which Mughal Emperor is associated with the ending of accomodation of Hindus into the political system and the attempt to make the Mughal Empire a purely Islamic state in the late 17th century? Author: OHgamer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Babur - 13% (382) Aurangzab - 21% (624) Akbar - 24% (700) Shah Jahan - 10% (307) No answer picked: 32% (943) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 513: Over which province have India and Pakistan disputed ownership, leading to brief wars in 1948 and 1966? Author: OHgamer - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Hyderabad - 4% (354) Assam - 6% (510) Kashmir - 68% (5970) Kerala - 2% (179) No answer picked: 20% (1788) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 514: Which region was France forced to cede to Germany in wake of its defeat in 1871? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Normandy - 16% (1471) Alsace-Lorraine - 47% (4194) Provence - 9% (775) Aquitaine - 6% (548) No answer picked: 22% (1974) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 515: Which of the following was the immediate cause of the Indian Mutiny in 1857? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The annexation of Oudh by the British after its ruling dynasty was declared lapsed and incompetent to rule - 9% (412) The replacement of Persian with English as the official legal language in British East India Company territories - 8% (368) The decision to adopt Enfield Rifles with cartridges greased in pig and cow tallow that soldiers had to rip open with their teeth - 39% (1845) Britain's establishment of the Hindu Dogra Rajputs as rulers of predominantly Muslim Kashmir - 13% (612) No answer picked: 31% (1454) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 516: What were chinampas? Author: OHgamer - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
The system of floating gardens that allowed societies in the Valley of Mexico to create an agricultural surplus - 27% (754) The priestly elite that dominated Mayan city-states at the height of Mayan civilization - 14% (388) Small figurines representing ancestors that were the focus of local religious life in Andean cultures - 17% (488) The name given by peoples in the Valley of Mexico to barbarian invaders from the desert regions of Northern Mexico - 10% (281) No answer picked: 32% (908) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 517: What Russian city was established in the 1860s after Russia's annexation of Chinese territory along the Sea of Japan? Author: OHgamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Others
Irkutsk - 10% (371) Archangel - 6% (212) Vladivostok - 52% (1918) Odessa - 9% (337) No answer picked: 24% (879) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 518: On which island did the Dutch East India Company establish Batavia as the center of its control of the spice trade in the early 17th century? Author: OHgamer - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Sumatra - 19% (875) Timor - 11% (518) Celebes - 5% (240) Java - 37% (1740) No answer picked: 29% (1356) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 520: Who fought in the Winter War (1939-1940)? Author: Karri Ekegren - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Russia and Sweden - 10% (384) Finland and Sweden - 9% (343) Finland and Russia - 48% (1812) Russia and China - 10% (382) No answer picked: 22% (821) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 521: On top of the French, Portuguese, Dutch and English who also had trading posts in India? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Sweden - 9% (266) Brandenburg - 7% (210) Denmark - 29% (854) Spain - 26% (744) No answer picked: 29% (827) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 526: Who brought the name Santa Claus with them to the New World? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Welsh Colonists - 6% (285) French Colonists - 5% (256) Dutch Colonists - 40% (1885) Scandinavian Colonists - 22% (1037) No answer picked: 27% (1279) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 527: What did Italy originaly mean? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Land of the setting Sun - 10% (283) Land with much cattle - 17% (502) Land of the Olive Tree - 33% (965) Land of the Small People - 11% (331) No answer picked: 28% (800) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 529: What had the Spartan youth to do to prove they were adults? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
They had to take place in a special initiation battle - 20% (602) They had to go to a temple on a countryside and dress themselves like bears - 8% (228) They had to kill three helots without getting caught and cut off a hand of the deads to prove it - 28% (851) Steal cheese without getting caught from a temple - 15% (438) No answer picked: 29% (867) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 530: Which Greek city founded the most colonies in the 9th century BC? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Thebes - 12% (447) Sparta - 19% (726) Athens - 41% (1547) Rhodes - 6% (209) No answer picked: 22% (841) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 531: How did the Mycenian civilisation come to an end? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World
Volcano Eruption - 23% (1054) Doric Invasions - 16% (737) Invasions from the sea - 15% (677) Internal Factors - 17% (784) No answer picked: 30% (1368) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 534: What was an Emporion? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
An agrarian colony - 8% (247) A trading post - 23% (692) A trading colony - 26% (762) A Greek neighbourhood in an Eastern city - 13% (378) No answer picked: 30% (895) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 536: Which state was not a German elector in the 16th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Bavaria - 20% (570) Bohemia - 19% (554) Trier - 18% (511) Cologne - 12% (353) No answer picked: 31% (888) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 538: Which was not a British King? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
King Caradog - 15% (430) King Bledric - 9% (252) King Edwyg - 15% (430) King Mark - 33% (951) No answer picked: 29% (850) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 540: Who rode alledgly through the streets of Coventry nude to protest against the high taxes imposed by her husband on his tenants? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Lady Anne - 10% (307) Lady Godiva - 49% (1431) Boedicea - 6% (177) Isolde - 3% (100) No answer picked: 31% (919) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 541: When did Newfoundland become a part of Canada? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World
1905 - 15% (682) 1949 - 29% (1361) 1867 - 16% (754) 1875 - 11% (527) No answer picked: 29% (1328) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 543: Who was this famous painter? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Rembrandt - 43% (2031) Rubens - 12% (581) Jan Van Eyck - 14% (661) Jordaens - 3% (133) No answer picked: 28% (1347) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 544: Of which 18th century king is this a portrait? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Gustav III of Sweden - 11% (340) Louis XVI of France - 33% (1030) Joseph II of Austria - 17% (531) Maximilian Emmanuel of Bavaria - 9% (272) No answer picked: 29% (902) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 550: Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? Author: Greg Astridge - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Robert Hawke - 13% (389) Sir Robert Menzies - 18% (518) Edmund Barton - 29% (855) James Cook - 10% (287) No answer picked: 30% (880) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 552: Which were in 1914 the three belligerent European countries who officially had an emperor? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Germany, France, Ottoman Empire - 13% (1093) Germany, Austria-Hungary, England - 10% (879) Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary - 48% (4184) Germany, England, France - 8% (717) No answer picked: 21% (1843) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 553: Which two countries in Latin America had had an emperor in the 19th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Latin America
Mexico, Gran Colombia - 13% (477) Peru, Brazil - 17% (638) Mexico, Brazil - 32% (1184) Gran Colombia, Peru - 14% (529) No answer picked: 24% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 554: In which Greek City can you find the first monumental sculpture of Greece (shown below)? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Knossos - 20% (909) Athens - 13% (603) Pylos - 10% (463) Mycene - 28% (1310) No answer picked: 29% (1317) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 556: Which modern country did Marco Polo mean with Zipangu? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Korea - 11% (321) China - 25% (730) Japan - 25% (718) Myanmar - 10% (294) No answer picked: 28% (821) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 557: Which Australian Colony was the last to use the forced labour of prisoners? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
West Australia - 17% (495) New South Wales - 14% (396) Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) - 30% (861) Victoria - 9% (275) No answer picked: 30% (877) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 558: Who wrote the books about Old Shatterhand and Kara Ben Nemsi? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Karl May - 16% (440) Friedrich Schiller - 22% (603) Günther Grass - 17% (471) Karl Wolfowitz - 13% (355) No answer picked: 33% (914) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 560: Which Chinese dynasty moved the capital to Beijing? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Qing - 18% (853) Yuan - 12% (572) Ming - 36% (1682) Tang - 7% (318) No answer picked: 27% (1292) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 561: Who founded Lisbon? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Celts - 14% (412) The Phoenicians - 34% (999) The Romans - 19% (571) The Greeks - 6% (167) No answer picked: 27% (815) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 562: From which country did Singapore receive Independence? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Thailand - 4% (212) France - 9% (416) Malaysia - 20% (980) The United Kingdom - 41% (1956) No answer picked: 26% (1265) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 563: What is Sri Lanka's former name? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Madagascar - 5% (182) Ceylon - 59% (2228) Tamil - 10% (383) Dravidia - 5% (186) No answer picked: 21% (786) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 565: Who was defeated in the battle of Sandwich in 1217? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Flemish - 17% (494) The Irish - 11% (320) The French - 21% (596) The Scots - 22% (638) No answer picked: 29% (849) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 566: What was the part of England ruled by the vikings called? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Danelaw - 29% (1077) Mercia - 8% (315) Wessex - 23% (859) Jorvik - 16% (622) No answer picked: 24% (903) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 567: Which was the first Boer state in South Africa? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Transvaal - 22% (639) Orange-Freestate - 17% (496) Natal - 21% (605) Bolland - 8% (233) No answer picked: 31% (885) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 568: According to some legends, which Welsh prince might have reached the New World in the 12th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Prince Gwynllyw - 20% (592) Prince Meurig - 11% (329) Prince Madog - 26% (767) Prince Caradog - 10% (281) No answer picked: 32% (944) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 569: After Japan closed itself from foreigners in the 17th century, from which nationality were the only traders who had the right to trade with Japan in the bay of Osaka? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
English - 11% (506) Dutch - 38% (1814) Spanish - 5% (234) Portuguese - 19% (888) No answer picked: 27% (1302) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 570: Before the Meiji Restoration, who was the effective ruler of Japan? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
The Tokai - 7% (503) The Samurai - 13% (901) The Shogun - 49% (3413) The Genroku - 4% (295) No answer picked: 27% (1910) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 571: What was the name of Tokio before the Meiji restoration? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Takeda - 10% (380) Edo - 38% (1456) Hokkaido - 12% (455) Kyoto - 16% (620) No answer picked: 23% (888) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 572: Who was the founder of Afghanistan? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Ahmad Shah Abdali - 25% (730) Timur Shah Abdali - 13% (383) Zaman Shah Abdali - 9% (272) Akbar Khan - 20% (587) No answer picked: 31% (899) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 574: Who is held to have christianized Axum (Ethiopia)? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
King Ezana - 18% (490) King Rastafari - 23% (640) King Shiazana - 12% (330) King Agabe - 16% (442) No answer picked: 32% (898) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 575: Who was this African Ruler? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Black Africa - picture
The Dictator of Somalia, Birre - 11% (402) The Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I - 48% (1821) The President of Kenya, Daniel Arap Moi - 9% (328) The King of Burundi, Ntare V Ndizeye - 9% (329) No answer picked: 24% (913) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 576: During WW1 in East Africa, which German colonel was able to evade and exasperate allied forces of 300 000 men with 14 000 men, who were never able to force him to surrender? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Karol von Einem - 11% (307) Erwin Rommel - 19% (543) Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck - 29% (821) Wilhelm Groener - 11% (322) No answer picked: 31% (877) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 579: Who was this important '60's African political leader? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa - picture
Jean bedel Bokassa - 12% (356) Patrice Lumumba - 29% (841) Mobutu - 15% (429) Julius Nyerere - 14% (396) No answer picked: 30% (860) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 580: After what was the former British Colony Rhodesia named? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Cecil Rhodes, who dreamt of a connection by rail between South Africa and Egypt - 43% (1597) The Greek island of Rhodos, place of birth of the first Rhodesian Governor - 14% (540) It means "Land of the Elephants" in a native language - 9% (351) After the earl of Skye, John Walker Rhodes - 9% (346) No answer picked: 24% (896) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 581: Where is the oldest university in Europe? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Oxford - 24% (1136) Rome - 11% (508) Bologna - 33% (1579) Paris - 6% (303) No answer picked: 27% (1273) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 582: Which parts of South America beside Surinam and the isles was colonized by the Dutch at some point? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Latin America
Guyana and French Guyana - 16% (705) Guyana and a part of the Brazilian Coast - 28% (1232) Guyana and the mouth of the La Plata river - 13% (600) Guyana and Uruguay - 13% (564) No answer picked: 30% (1351) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 585: Which Egyptian Pharao tried to impose a monotheistic religion? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Ramses II - 25% (934) Akhenaten - 31% (1168) Pepi I - 5% (196) Amenhotep II - 15% (565) No answer picked: 23% (876) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 586: Which people occupied the Nile delta during the Second Intermediary Period? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
The Hyksos - 26% (1200) The Palestines - 8% (385) The Lybians - 8% (386) The Nubians - 28% (1301) No answer picked: 29% (1310) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 587: Who was the last truely Egyptian Pharao before the conquest of Alexander the Great? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Djedhor - 5% (148) Hakor - 10% (279) Nakhtnebef II - 30% (865) Ahmose II - 24% (710) No answer picked: 31% (899) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 589: Which Egyptian Queen is shown here? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel - picture
Nefertiti - 25% (735) Cleopatra - 16% (479) Hatshepsut - 30% (890) Tiye - 4% (112) No answer picked: 26% (770) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 590: Of which 19th century battle is this a painting? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
The Battle of Weissenburg - 16% (455) The Battle of Solferino - 13% (360) The Battle of Balklava - 29% (838) The Battle of the Alma - 12% (359) No answer picked: 30% (865) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 591: Who founded the Red Cross? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Albert Schweizer - 21% (808) Henri Dunant - 29% (1094) Frédéric Passy - 9% (337) Jean Paul Du Plessis - 17% (639) No answer picked: 23% (882) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 592: What other european language is related to Finnish? Author: Mike Alford - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Russian - 10% (311) Swedish - 25% (753) Hungarian - 31% (920) German - 4% (132) No answer picked: 29% (865) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 593: Who built the Great Zimbabwe (ruins shown below)? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa - picture
The Zulu in the 19th century - 14% (387) The Shona in the 13th century - 26% (726) The Xhosa the 11th century - 18% (504) The Bantu in the 17th century - 14% (394) No answer picked: 29% (805) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 594: Who wrote the Confessions? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Tertulian - 6% (174) Gregory The Great - 13% (376) Augustine - 42% (1222) Ambrose - 7% (209) No answer picked: 31% (907) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 595: From which civilization is this building? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Black Africa - picture
The Nubian Civilization - 32% (1134) The Egyptian Civilization - 30% (1074) The Lybian Civilization - 9% (334) The Nabatean Civilization - 6% (199) No answer picked: 22% (782) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 598: Who was the first Caliph? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Abu Bakr - 36% (1666) Umar - 9% (443) Ali - 16% (755) Abd-al Malik - 10% (462) No answer picked: 29% (1344) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 603: Who is Baha'u'llah? Author: Fred Capp - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
An Iraqian political leader - 7% (196) A Persian philospher & physician - 15% (431) The founder of a new religion, the Baha'i Faith - 35% (987) The military leader who conquered Dehli for the Mughals - 10% (275) No answer picked: 33% (926) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 605: When was the Welsh act of Union? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
1436 - 15% (690) 1536 - 27% (1251) 1701 - 19% (858) 1804 - 10% (453) No answer picked: 29% (1316) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 606: What were the Tonypandy Riots? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Riots during the Miner Strikes under Tatcher - 9% (403) Riots in Welsh mines in 1910, crushed by the British army - 34% (1571) Anti-corn-law riots in 1823 - 12% (544) Bloody riots in the seventies in Northern Ireland - 14% (663) No answer picked: 31% (1444) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 607: How is this medieval coin called? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
An écu - 10% (461) A Thaler - 12% (557) A Florin - 45% (2072) A Pieterman - 4% (197) No answer picked: 29% (1324) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 615: Which emperor passed a law proclaiming all male residents of the Roman Empire citizens? Author: David DeVore - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Aurelian in 272 AD - 11% (309) Caracalla in 218 AD - 18% (523) Marcus Aurelius in 168 AD - 34% (982) Antoninus Pius in 142 AD - 8% (245) No answer picked: 30% (868) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 616: Who was president of the United States when the first southern states seceded from the Union? Author: David DeVore - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
Franklin Pierce - 6% (309) Abraham Lincoln - 37% (1784) William Seward - 4% (200) James Buchanan - 26% (1270) No answer picked: 26% (1269) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 617: At what city did King Henry IV of Germany submit on his knees to the authority of Pope Gregory VII in 1073? Author: David DeVore - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Canossa - 19% (863) Lyons - 16% (738) Milan - 23% (1054) Clermont - 13% (592) No answer picked: 30% (1366) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 618: What was the official faith of the last independent Yemenite Kingdom before the arrival of Islam? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Zoroastrianism - 25% (1163) Nestorian Christianity - 12% (544) Judaism - 20% (914) Coptic Christianity - 15% (701) No answer picked: 29% (1350) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 619: What was the only non-western country to participate to the Berlin Congress of 1885? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World
Egypt - 12% (425) China - 12% (441) Ottoman Empire - 44% (1601) Siam - 8% (273) No answer picked: 24% (862) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 621: In which city did the Russian Revolution start? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
St.Petersburg - 67% (6625) Moscow - 10% (1036) Kazan - 2% (225) Odessa - 3% (285) No answer picked: 17% (1726) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 623: Which of those books was written by Caesar? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Metamorphoses - 11% (778) De Bello Gallico - 27% (1903) Res Gestae Divi Augusti - 25% (1731) Pro Marcello - 8% (562) No answer picked: 28% (1948) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 624: What was the original European name of Australia? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Others
New Wales - 43% (1561) New Holland - 22% (801) New Scotland - 8% (296) New Normandy - 5% (172) No answer picked: 22% (782) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 625: What was the name of the (possibly mythical) first ruling dynasty of China? Author: David DeVore - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Shang - 14% (655) Han - 18% (833) Chin - 14% (685) Xia - 26% (1235) No answer picked: 28% (1335) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 627: Which of the following founders of Hellenistic kingdoms was not a general under Alexander the Great? Author: David DeVore - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Ptolemy I of Egypt - 15% (415) Seleucus I of Syria - 11% (305) Attalus I of Pergamum - 32% (915) Antigonus I of Macedonia - 11% (325) No answer picked: 31% (870) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 629: In which country was the use of the longbow first reported? Author: Johann Bryant - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Wales - 46% (2144) Holland - 7% (316) Hungary - 11% (524) Romania - 8% (378) No answer picked: 28% (1290) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 640: Who wrote the Edda down? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Kolbein Flosason - 9% (240) Snorri Sturlusson - 26% (722) Stein Thorgestsson - 24% (670) Snorri Hunbogason - 8% (236) No answer picked: 34% (951) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 641: Which was the last Etruscan City to came under Roman power? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Arretium - 18% (495) Veii - 15% (404) Volsinii - 21% (583) Volaterra - 14% (395) No answer picked: 32% (891) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 642: What was the title of the leader of the Genoan Republic? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Principe - 17% (608) Doge - 28% (1010) Duce - 19% (688) Magnifico - 10% (374) No answer picked: 25% (901) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 643: Which European nation briefly conquered Taiwan in the 17th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Spain - 11% (509) Japan - 7% (324) The Netherlands - 31% (1455) Portugal - 25% (1174) No answer picked: 27% (1253) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 644: From where is the oldest known law code in the Greek world (shown below) originated? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
Gortyn, Crete - 24% (674) Athens, Attica - 22% (630) Sparta, Peloponessos - 12% (342) Milete, Asia Minor - 13% (377) No answer picked: 29% (833) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 645: Which crusade founded the Latin empire in Constantinople? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The second crusade - 16% (761) The third crusade - 20% (943) The fourth crusade - 30% (1391) The fifth crusade - 5% (240) No answer picked: 28% (1328) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 646: In which US State had Sweden for a time a Colony? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States
New York - 15% (673) Maryland - 12% (569) Delaware - 28% (1301) Rhode Island - 16% (729) No answer picked: 29% (1369) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 647: In what year did a Wall Street crash start the "Great Depression"? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World
1928 - 10% (707) 1929 - 51% (3565) 1933 - 8% (538) 1930 - 6% (427) No answer picked: 25% (1768) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 648: In which month of 1945 was an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East) - picture
august - 48% (2259) september - 13% (591) january - 4% (198) july - 9% (442) No answer picked: 26% (1208) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 649: On which side did Finland fight in WWII? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Allies - 17% (617) Axis - 29% (1044) It was neutral - 31% (1129) No answer picked: 22% (806) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 650: Who was sometime called the "Bohemian corporal"? Author: Tyler Barker - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Napoleon Bonaparte - 19% (899) George S. Patton - 12% (578) Adolf Hitler - 33% (1579) Jimmy Hendrix - 8% (389) No answer picked: 28% (1348) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 651: Which Roman conquered Britain? Author: Tyler Barker - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Julius Ceasar - 32% (1149) Trajan - 13% (451) Claudius - 27% (970) King henry VIII - 5% (193) No answer picked: 23% (820) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 654: Which of the members of the triumviate died first? Author: Tyler Barker - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Crassus - 27% (969) Julius Ceasar - 22% (759) Pompey - 19% (683) Augustus - 8% (287) No answer picked: 23% (827) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 657: Which of those peoples was not considered a threat to Western Europe in the 7th to 9th centuries? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The Vikings - 11% (403) The Hungarians - 22% (757) The Saracens - 17% (602) The Huns - 26% (907) No answer picked: 24% (846) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 665: What were coenobites? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World
Monks who fasted ritualy - 13% (361) Monks who lived in community - 26% (730) Monks who lived alone - 16% (460) Monks who took care of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome - 14% (397) No answer picked: 32% (903) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 666: Which were the members of the Kalmar Union? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Norway, Iceland, Finland - 6% (212) Norway, Sweden, Iceland - 10% (370) Norway, Denmark, Finland - 16% (577) Norway, Denmark, Sweden - 41% (1453) No answer picked: 26% (916) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 667: What is a Praefurnium? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
A cavity used for heating under Roman baths or houses - 32% (908) A portico in front of a Roman Villa - 15% (433) A play were athletes acted - 7% (209) A forge specialised in the creation of weapons - 14% (407) No answer picked: 31% (875) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 710: Who was the leader of Muslim resistance to the establishment of French rule in Western Algeria from the mid-1830s until his final surrender in 1847? Author: OHGamer - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Muhammad al-Muqrani - 15% (388) Ahmad Bey - 16% (431) Sulayman bin Hamza - 15% (389) Abd al-Qadir - 23% (610) No answer picked: 31% (830) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 725: Which Brazilian president ordered the construction of Brasília? Author: willemvanoranje - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Latin America
Getúlio Vargas - 21% (951) Lula da Silva - 23% (1017) Juscelino Kubitschek - 16% (701) Fernando Collor - 12% (521) No answer picked: 29% (1322) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 732: Who formed the first Roman Triumvirate? Author: Brendan - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Pompey, Caesar and Sulla - 11% (342) Crassus, Sulla and Octavian - 7% (225) Mark Antony, Octavian and Sexigentus - 12% (393) Pompey, Caesar and Crassus - 45% (1466) No answer picked: 25% (822) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 739: Who lost a battle in England on the 25th September 1066? Author: Tomas - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Harold Godwinson - 19% (598) Harald III Hardrade - 20% (633) William the Conqueror - 26% (811) Edward III The Confessor - 11% (341) No answer picked: 24% (761) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 754: Where are these pyramides located? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel - picture
Abousir - 5% (365) Saqqara - 8% (647) Gizeh - 62% (4704) Dahshour - 5% (383) No answer picked: 20% (1537) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 756: In which modern African country did Courland have a fort? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Black Africa
Guinee Bissau - 9% (246) Ivory Coast - 24% (647) Sierra Leone - 19% (499) Gambia - 16% (433) No answer picked: 32% (870) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 757: What was the title of the ruler of Athens for most of the 14th century? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Count - 13% (407) Prince - 16% (517) Duke - 26% (824) King - 20% (643) No answer picked: 25% (780) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 758: Approximatively how many people died during the Swiss Sonderbundskrieg? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
One hundred - 17% (777) One thousand - 19% (838) Ten thousand - 25% (1100) One hundred thousand - 9% (390) No answer picked: 30% (1340) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 759: Where was the first UN Security Council meeting held? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World
New York - 21% (580) London - 16% (434) Paris - 8% (212) Geneva - 27% (736) No answer picked: 28% (778) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 760: What was the capital of West-Germany from 1949 to 1989? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Cologne - 5% (392) West Berlin - 25% (1927) Bonn - 32% (2404) Munich - 18% (1378) No answer picked: 20% (1521) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 766: Which of these countries lost the least men in WW1? Author: Andrew - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World
Japan - 32% (1032) Australia - 15% (488) Montenegro - 14% (471) South Africa - 17% (540) No answer picked: 22% (724) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 793: How did Julius Caesar die? Author: Alana - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
He was fatally wounded at the battle of Tapsus - 5% (357) He died of the plague - 5% (367) He was assassinated in the senate - 61% (4680) He was poisoned at a reception in his honour - 10% (809) No answer picked: 20% (1514) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 822: What country won the first World Cup of football (soccer) in 1930? Author: jinif - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World
Brazil - 61% (7487) England - 8% (921) Germany - 5% (636) Uruguay - 13% (1602) No answer picked: 13% (1562) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 824: Who won the second Battle of Tannenberg? Author: Mightfox - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Germany - 37% (1165) Sweden - 13% (415) Russia - 17% (523) Poland - 7% (232) No answer picked: 26% (809) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 825: Against which country did William the Silent, Prince of Orange, lead his revolt? Author: Mightfox - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Spain - 35% (1094) France - 24% (766) Sweden - 13% (406) Russia - 4% (137) No answer picked: 24% (761) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 828: What is the red outlined area in the southeast corner? Author: Mightfox - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East) - picture
The Fulda Gap - 10% (591) The Pusan Perimeter - 31% (1877) The Maginot Line - 18% (1099) The Falaise Gap - 13% (751) No answer picked: 28% (1687) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 830: Which ruler united the Khmer Empire? Author: Mightfox - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Jayavarman II - 25% (639) Hsinbyushin - 11% (274) Ramkhamhaeng - 25% (651) Yasovarman I - 9% (246) No answer picked: 31% (795) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 832: Polish General Thaddeus Kosciusko served in which foreign country's military? Author: Mightfox - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The United States - 28% (1250) France - 15% (659) Russia - 24% (1041) Switzerland - 5% (219) No answer picked: 28% (1221) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 834: To which country did Russia send 200,000 troops to stop its loss of land to multiple independent nations? Author: Mightfox - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
China - 44% (3996) Great Britain - 5% (450) Ottoman Empire - 21% (1872) Austria - 12% (1131) No answer picked: 18% (1613) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 836: What was Stalin's original last name? Author: Mightfox - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World
Balanchivadze - 8% (214) Vissarionovich - 23% (608) Dzhugashvili - 33% (895) Basoalto - 6% (162) No answer picked: 30% (818) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 840: When did Austria become Austria-Hungary (the Dual Monarchy)? Author: Mightfox - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
1806 - 11% (342) 1848 - 27% (823) 1867 - 28% (854) 1918 - 10% (324) No answer picked: 24% (758) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 844: Which of these modern-day areas did Rome not completely conquer? Author: Mightfox - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
France - 9% (557) Spain - 14% (853) Germany - 40% (2400) Greece - 11% (663) No answer picked: 25% (1495) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 845: Which of the following bombers dropped the Tsar Bomba? Author: Mightfox - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others
Tupolev-160 - 14% (365) Tupolev-95 - 34% (890) Ilyushin-28 - 15% (390) Boeing-29 - 7% (183) No answer picked: 31% (808) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 846: Which of these battles was largely a Russian success? Author: Mightfox - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World
Battle of Warsaw (1920) - 20% (880) Operation Bagration - 23% (977) The Battle of Tannenberg - 22% (939) Operation Mars - 7% (285) No answer picked: 29% (1243) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 876: What was the the capital of Dacia? Author: Matthew - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Ecbatana - 16% (412) Alma Ata - 19% (508) Sarmisegetuza - 25% (654) Coste?ti - 8% (199) No answer picked: 32% (837) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 878: Which family dominated Japan during the Heian period ? Author: worawat srisawasdi - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Minamoto - 12% (521) Tokugawa - 32% (1404) Taira - 6% (250) Fujiwara - 22% (978) No answer picked: 29% (1284) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 882: What was the first capital of ancient Egypt? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Arab World and Israel
Thebes - 62% (7471) Alexandria - 12% (1443) Memphis - 13% (1519) Achetaton - 2% (184) No answer picked: 12% (1465) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 883: How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exist? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World
3 - 28% (2126) 2 - 17% (1277) 1 - 31% (2350) 0 - 4% (275) No answer picked: 20% (1482) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 884: What nation exploded its first nuclear bomb in the Rajasthan desert in 1974? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Israël - 13% (950) India - 36% (2717) China - 11% (791) Pakistan - 19% (1443) No answer picked: 21% (1562) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 886: What is Offa's Dyke? Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
An earth fortification on the border between Wales and England - 27% (1183) A dyke protecting the Viking burial mound Offa from the sea - 20% (885) A dyke used to protect pasturing lands in the Lowlansa - 14% (595) A forerunner of the Hadrian Wall - 7% (323) No answer picked: 32% (1384) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 973: In which battle did the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth destroy the Teutonic Order? Author: Zach - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The battle of Chojice - 6% (175) The battle of Grunwald - 28% (762) The battle of Lake Peipus - 13% (361) The battle of Krakow - 26% (698) No answer picked: 27% (732) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 983: What political coalition was elected in France in 1936? Author: Katie C. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
The New Politics Coalition - 7% (278) The Popular Front - 31% (1291) The Social-Democrats - 22% (935) Labour Reform League - 12% (500) No answer picked: 28% (1184) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 984: Which famous politician popularised the term "Iron Curtain" to describe the separation of Europe during the Cold War? Author: Katie C. - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Harry Truman - 9% (245) Dwight D. Eisenhower - 12% (335) Charles de Gaulle - 6% (179) Winston Churchill - 50% (1393) No answer picked: 23% (644) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1004: What Italian city was called the 'Queen of the Adriatic' during the Renaissance period? Author: Angel Vine Baliscao - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World
Genoa - 12% (800) Trieste - 6% (400) Venice - 57% (3754) Bari - 2% (159) No answer picked: 22% (1424) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1021: Which English Queen was executed May 19, 1536? Author: Dawn W Vaughan - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Jane Seymour - 6% (173) Ann Boleyn - 52% (1386) Katherine Howard - 10% (256) Ann of Cleves - 9% (231) No answer picked: 24% (641) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1035: Which fortress in the Caribbean was known as the "Gibraltar of the West Indies"? Author: toya - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Latin America
Brimstone Hill - 18% (469) Romney Manor - 8% (211) Fort Willem - 20% (513) Port de Plaisance - 21% (544) No answer picked: 32% (826) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1037: What was the name of the first Inquisitor General of Spain, infamous for his persecution of Jews and Muslims? Author: Kemoy Lindsay - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Tomás de Torquemada - 35% (880) Juan Sebastian el Cano - 16% (390) Alfredo Barrazo - 10% (240) Hernando del Pulgar - 8% (202) No answer picked: 31% (770) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1079: Which American Civil War battle had the highest number of casualties? Author: WENDY - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
Bull Run - 9% (218) Shiloh - 8% (186) Gettysburg - 45% (1104) Antietam - 15% (367) No answer picked: 24% (594) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1080: Which of those US constitutional amendments protects voting rights? Author: WENDY - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: United States
The First Amendment - 12% (280) The Thirteenth Amendment - 21% (512) The Fourteenth Amendment - 21% (509) The Fifteenth Amendment - 20% (491) No answer picked: 26% (626) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1096: Between which two countries was the 1939 Pact of Steel signed? Author: NerdNest - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
France and the UK - 13% (616) The UK and Italy - 6% (286) Germany and Italy - 28% (1332) Germany and the Soviet Union - 25% (1220) No answer picked: 28% (1367) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1113: Which American nation had a native European-style monarchy for over fifty years? Author: Erik Pulido - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Latin America
Mexico - 66% (6854) Haiti - 8% (824) Brazil - 11% (1128) Peru - 4% (455) No answer picked: 11% (1146) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1135: The church below, later converted into a mosque, was the largest Christian cathedral for nearly a thousand years. Where does it stand? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
In Rome, Italy - 44% (3369) In Alexandria, Egypt - 3% (199) In Jerusalem, Israel - 9% (675) In Istanbul, Turkey - 29% (2218) No answer picked: 15% (1122) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1157: When was Kosovo declared independent? Author: fitore - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
On february 12th, 2007 - 14% (257) On february 3rd, 2007 - 23% (423) On february 17th, 2008 - 27% (503) On december 27th, 2008 - 8% (157) No answer picked: 28% (515) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1276: Who was the first woman elected to the British House of Parliament? Author: Marie Gribbon - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Lady Astor - 24% (509) Bessie Braddock - 13% (285) Margaret Thatcher - 21% (464) Constance Markievicz - 12% (262) No answer picked: 30% (645) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1317: Approximatively how many people were killed in Europe by the Black Death pandemic in the 14th century? Author: K. - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) - picture
one to two hundred thousand - 5% (71) 2 to 3 millions - 20% (321) 10 to 20 millions - 33% (526) 50 to 150 millions - 19% (291) No answer picked: 23% (363) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1332: What Russian leader often staged elaborate mock battles when he was a boy? Author: Alex - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World
Ivan III (The Great) - 6% (224) Peter I (The Great) - 33% (1180) Ivan IV (The Terrible) - 22% (790) Tsar Alexander III - 9% (324) No answer picked: 29% (1032) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1340: Since Italian unification in 1861, which of these cities has never at one point been capital of Italy? Author: Hazzaj - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)
Florence - 18% (665) Turin - 30% (1090) Milan - 20% (716) Rome - 4% (127) No answer picked: 28% (1028) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1360: In which modern country does Kapilvastu, birthplace of Buddha, lie? Author: tarun kumar - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
India - 26% (910) Nepal - 34% (1184) China - 5% (187) Bangladesh - 6% (220) No answer picked: 28% (952) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1393: Which Russian tzar was killed in his bedroom on March 11, 1801? Author: A.C. - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)
Alexandre I - 22% (725) Paul I - 17% (561) Peter III - 17% (576) Peter II - 16% (537) No answer picked: 28% (940) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1451: last mughal emporor of india Author: harish - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
akbar I - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1452: last mughal emporor of india Author: harish - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
akbar I - 0% (0) bahadur shah zafar - 0% (0) sharjahan - 0% (0) noorjahan - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1456: Author: nahom mulugheta tsegay - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1463: In what year did the Roman Legion first defeat the Greek Phalanx Author: Lenny Vineham - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
133 BC - 0% (0) 197 BC - 0% (0) 168 BC - 0% (0) 148 BC - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1478: What is the name of the first university in the world? Author: Rumi Jivani - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Oxford - 0% (0) Alhambra - 0% (0) Al Azhar - 0% (0) McGill - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1479: What is the name of the first university in the world? Author: Rumi Jivani - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Oxford - 0% (0) Alhambra - 0% (0) Al Azhar - 0% (0) McGill - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1486: Is what year was Michelangelo born? Author: Elroy Gopal - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
1420 - 0% (0) 1386 - 0% (0) 1475 - 0% (0) 1410 - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1487: What was the first video game to ever score an average of 10 out of 10 worldwide? Author: Elroy Gopal - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Super Mario 64 - 0% (0) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 0% (0) Doom 3 - 0% (0) Half-Life - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1527: Name of the first Maori tribe encountered by Europeans in October 1769 Author: tim - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet
Ngati Tahi - 0% (0) Ngati Porou - 0% (0) Tuhoe - 0% (0) Ngati Kahurangi - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1553: Who is the Father of Indian Independence Author: Argel Obenita - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mahatma Gandhi - 0% (0) Mao Zedong - 0% (0) Mohammed ali Junnul - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1554: Who is the Father of Indian Independence Author: Argel Obenita - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mahatma Gandhi - 0% (0) Mao Zedong - 0% (0) Mohammed Ali Junnul - 0% (0) Dr. Sun-Yatsen - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1556: When was india get its independence Author: Kumuthavalli - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet
1847 - 0% (0) 1947 - 0% (0) 1452 - 0% (0) 1896 - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1560: What is your favorite pizza topping Author: ALYSSA - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: United States Not confirmed yet
cheese - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1561: What is your favorite pizza topping Author: ALYSSA - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: United States Not confirmed yet
cheese - 0% (0) green pepper - 0% (0) red pepper - 0% (0) pepperoni - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1570: which is known as the temple state of india Author: naveen - Category: Global History Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1572: Which day is celebrated as World Peace Day? Author: Ranjitha Chadala - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1578: in which island the statue of liberty located? Author: durga prasad sharma - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
srilanka - 0% (0) england - 0% (0) island of liberty - 0% (0) japan - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1579: Who is the last king of France? Author: - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Louis XIV - 0% (0) Louis XVI - 0% (0) Edward II - 0% (0) NONE OF THE ABOVE - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1580: Which indias 19946 agticuture menister name Author: Mahendra - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East) Not confirmed yet
Dr.rajendra prasada - 0% (0) Vallabhai patel - 0% (0) Mahatma gandhi - 0% (0) Subas chandraboos - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1582: Which countries were from the Central Powers? Author: Ottoman_Power - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Germany,Italy,Japan - 0% (0) Austria-Hungary,United Kingdom,Ottoman Empire - 0% (0) Germany,Austria-Hungary,Ottoman Empire - 0% (0) France,United Kingdom,Italy - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1584: Which prime minister resigned just after world war two started Author: George Dalkin - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Chamberlin - 0% (0) Churchill - 0% (0) Blair - 0% (0) Camreon - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1585: Who was the French King overthrown in the Revolution of 1848? Author: Leo Anthony Kucewicz - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
Louis-Philippe - 0% (0) Napoleon III - 0% (0) Charles X - 0% (0) Napoleon II - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1586: what is sati Author: basit irshad bhat - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet
burning of widow - 0% (0) child marriage - 0% (0) economic trade - 0% (0) belive in truth - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1589: What is first world war Author: Nay - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1594: Who among here are NOT part of the trios that heavily contributed in the unification of Italy? Author: Kjh0121ind - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1595: Who among here are political leaders that contributed for the unification of Italy? Author: Kjh0121ind - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
Giuseppe Garibaldi - 0% (0) Emperor Palpatine - 0% (0) Camillo Cavour - 0% (0) Klemens von Metternich - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1596: How many country in world Author: - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1598: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosnia - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1599: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosnia - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1600: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosnia - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1601: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosnia - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1602: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosni - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1603: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosni - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1604: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosni - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1605: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosni - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1608: Who envented the first shop ever like the ones we have now Author: You will never know - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Mr. Selfrige - 0% (0) Maragolonia Bosni - 0% (0) Millie Pentland - 0% (0) Kate judson - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1620: Name of teachers that were sent to the philippines by the americans on 1907? Author: John Hernandez - Category: Global History Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Generals - 0% (0) Professors - 0% (0) Thomasites - 0% (0) Andrades - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1622: Youngest Pharaoh in egpyt Author: John Hernandez - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Ramses II - 0% (0) Ihmotep - 0% (0) Tutankhamun - 0% (0) Nasus - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1643: What is it in your body that God gives you the 1st time and the 2nd time, but the 3rd time you buy it for yourself. Author: selina - Category: Renaissance to French Revolution Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1675: what country is Samara in ? Author: emma - Category: Global History Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
romania - 0% (0) china - 0% (0) russia - 0% (0) australia - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1676: When did the public learn about Global Warming? Author: Smartypants - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Before 2000 - 0% (0) After 2000 - 0% (0) In 1990 - 0% (0) Always - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1677: When did the public learn about Global Warming? Author: Smartypants - Category: Global History Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Before 2000 - 0% (0) After 2000 - 0% (0) In 1990 - 0% (0) Always - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1702: What Author: ANONYMOUS_PERSON_NAME - Category: 19th Century Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1732: What was the cause of first world war? Author: - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Freance got the rule and rome divided - 0% (0) America powered and france divided - 0% (0) germany divided and rusia emerged as a bg pwer - 0% (0) russia divided and germany got powered - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1734: When Did first world war happen ? Author: - Category: First World War and onward Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1749: Who where the members of the First Triumvirate in Ancient Rome? Author: - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
Caesar, Augustus and Pompey - 0% (0) Romulus, Crassus and Nero - 0% (0) Caesar, Pompey and Crassus - 0% (0) Pompey, Crassus and Augustus - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1750: Who was the first Roman general to march on Rome? Author: - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
Caesar - 0% (0) Sulla - 0% (0) Marius - 0% (0) Augustus - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1751: Who was the last Western Roman emperor? Author: - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 1/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia) Not confirmed yet
Julius Nepos - 0% (0) Romulus Augustulus - 0% (0) Constantine - 0% (0) Honorius - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1756: In which battle the Mamluks inflicted the first major defeat to in that time unstoppable Mongol invading army? Author: - Category: Global History Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Battle of Hattin 1187. - 0% (0) Battle of the Kalka River 1223. - 0% (0) Battle of Ain Jalut 1260. - 0% (0) Battle of Angora 1402. - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1761: Which Georgian king defeated the turkic coalition at the battle of Didgori 1121 Author: - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet
George V The Great - 0% (0) David IV the Builder - 0% (0) Demetrius II the Self-Sacrificer - 0% (0) Heraclius/Erekle II - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1762: What Title did the first female monarch of Georgia- Tamar hold Author: - Category: Middle-Ages Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: Others Not confirmed yet
King - 0% (0) Queen - 0% (0) Regent of the Realm - 0% (0) Empress - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1765: Which Roman Consul was known as a liberator to Greeks and defeated Macedon? Author: - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus - 0% (0) Sextus Aelius Paetus Catus - 0% (0) Publius Sulpicius Galba - 0% (0) Titus Quinctius Flamininus - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
Question 1766: Which Roman Consul was known as a liberator to Greeks and defeated Macedon? Author: - Category: Prehistory and Antiquity Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World Not confirmed yet
Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus - 0% (0) Sextus Aelius Paetus Catus - 0% (0) Publius Sulpicius Galba - 0% (0) Titus Quinctius Flamininus - 0% (0) No answer picked: 0% (0) [edit (admin only)] [submit comment]
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