Resize! 1.7 |
Resize! is a simple program designed to resize a folder of pictures in one step. It's faster and easier to use than generic graphic programs... and it's free!
Resize! is entirely operated from a single window, shown below.
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Version History
Changes in 1.7:
- 64-bit versions for macOS and Windows, bringing compatibility with macOS Catalina
Changes in 1.6.2:
- Spanish localisation by Allan Tépper
- Fixed a bug where the wrong language could appear for some Mac users
Changes in 1.6.1:
- German localisation (thanks Andreas!)
Changes in 1.6:
- QuickTime is no longer required on PC
- Support for exports to PNG
- French localisation
- Improved performance
- Some bug fixes
Changes in 1.5:
- Added support for Mac OS X Lion with universal binary build
- Improved performance on Intel Macs due to native Intel code
Changes in 1.4.2:
- Fixed a bug preventing Resize! from correctly processing files with non-US characters in their names
- Fixed a bug which could cause Resize! to crash when quitting
- [Mac] Size of the program reduced by 1 mb
Changes in 1.4.1:
- [Mac] Much better resizing quality mainly for logo-type pictures
- [Windows] Much better resizing quality overall
- The quality of the resizing is now identical on both plateforms (it used to be better on Macintosh)
- Reworked help system
Changes in 1.4:
- Possible convertion to web-safe names
- Resize! now remembers the last settings used
- New interface to fit the new options
- It is now possible to hide the setting controls from the main window for a cleaner interface
Download Resize! 1.7 (64 bit): macOS version Windows version
Download Resize! 1.6.2 (64 bit): macOS version Windows version