Resize! 1.7 Version française


Resize! is a simple program designed to resize a folder of pictures in one step. It's faster and easier to use than generic graphic programs... and it's free!

Resize! is entirely operated from a single window, shown below.

Was Resize! useful to you? If yes, you can make a donation via paypal to encourage me to develop it further! Visa & Mastercard are accepted, in any currencies. Thank you!

Version History

Changes in 1.7:

Changes in 1.6.2:

Changes in 1.6.1:

Changes in 1.6:

Changes in 1.5:

Changes in 1.4.2:

Changes in 1.4.1:

Changes in 1.4:


Download Resize! 1.7 (64 bit): macOS versionWindows version

Download Resize! 1.6.2 (64 bit): macOS versionWindows version

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