The World Today - Submission
Your name: Category: Background PoliticBackground GeographyBackground HistoryCurrent PoliticalCurrent EconomicGlobal HistoryScienceTechnologyHistory of ScienceHistory of TechnologyGeneral AstronomyPure AstronomyPrehistory and AntiquityMiddle-AgesRenaissance to French Revolution19th CenturyFirst World War and onwardCold StorageBlue MarbleOther SatelliteWorld War Two Special Perceived difficulty: Easiest Easy Normal Hard Hardest - Geographic Zone: WorldEurope (Minus Russia)United StatesLatin AmericaBlack AfricaArab World and IsraelAsia (except Middle-East)Others
Choice 1: Choice 2: Choice 3: Choice 4: Correct answer: 1 2 3 4 Picture: Only if the question concerns the picture - not simply to illustrate it Upload file: Or link to remote file:
Note on categories: Questions in categories "Background Geography", "Background Political", "Current Political" and "Current Geography" will only appear in the "World Today" quiz. Questions in the "Pure History" category will only appear in the History quiz. Questions in the "Background History" category will appear in both. If in doubt, leave the default choice and I will pick the proper category.
I reserve the right to modify a submitted question