The World Quiz - Question list
Cold Storage: 9 questions


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Question 395: In 19th century American politics, what are 'Stalwarts' and 'Half-Breeds'?
Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Cold Storage
Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States

  • Democrats from New York and Pennsylvania, respectivly - 3% (4)
  • terms that Republicans used to insult members of Grover Cleveland's cabinet - 10% (15)
  • rival factions of the Republican party that emerged in the 1870's - 22% (32)
  • two minor political parties that merged with the Democrats before the 1896 election - 5% (7)
  • No answer picked: 61% (90)
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    Question 396: Most famous for comparing the gold standard to the Crucifixion, this populist ran for the US Presidency three times, losing to William McKinley (twice) and William Howard Taft.
    Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: United States

  • Eugene Victor Debs - 6% (9)
  • John Granville Woolley - 5% (8)
  • Alton Books Parker - 7% (10)
  • William Jennings Bryan - 25% (37)
  • No answer picked: 58% (87)
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    Question 397: On the day after the 1948 Presidential election, the Chicago Tribune, one of the most respected newspapers in the United States, ran a front-page article declaring that which man had won the election? (Unfortunately for the Tribune, Harry Truman had actually beaten their 'winner' by over 2 million popular votes and 114 electoral votes.)
    Author: SeleucusNicator - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: United States

  • Thomas Dewey - 24% (36)
  • Strom Thurmond - 11% (16)
  • Wendell Willkie - 7% (11)
  • Alfred Landon - 5% (7)
  • No answer picked: 53% (78)
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    Question 415: Which steppe empire threatened China in the first centuries BC?
    Author: Mongoloid Cow - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Asia (except Middle-East)

  • Mongol Empire - 17% (26)
  • Sacae Empire - 4% (6)
  • Tibetan Empire - 5% (8)
  • Xiong-Nu Empire - 17% (26)
  • No answer picked: 56% (83)
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    Question 505: Which Ottoman palace in Istanbul is the Sublime Porte (Bab-i Ali) associated with?
    Author: OHgamer - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others

  • Dolmabahche - 6% (9)
  • Topkapi - 30% (44)
  • Yildiz - 5% (7)
  • Chiragan - 4% (6)
  • No answer picked: 54% (79)
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    Question 512: Who succeeded Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as President of Turkey upon his death in 1938?
    Author: OHgamer - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 5/5 - Zone: Others

  • Suleyman Demirel - 5% (7)
  • Adnan Menderes - 8% (12)
  • Ismet Inonu - 19% (27)
  • Turgut Ozal - 14% (20)
  • No answer picked: 54% (76)
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    Question 597: A microprocesser in use creates a large amount of heat, which property does this refer to?
    Author: Usra - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 2/5 - Zone: United States

  • Superconducter - 8% (12)
  • Refraction - 6% (9)
  • Speed - 2% (3)
  • Resistence - 27% (39)
  • No answer picked: 57% (82)
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    Question 604: Which was the capital of Crete during Roman times?
    Author: Archeolooginspe - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 3/5 - Zone: Europe (Minus Russia)

  • Mallia - 7% (10)
  • Gortyn - 11% (16)
  • Knossos - 24% (34)
  • Iraklion - 3% (4)
  • No answer picked: 55% (77)
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    Question 1054: A point on a radar screen moves in a circular path with angular speed = 20000000 (2E7) rad/s and in a radius = 0.1 m. pick the correct statement :-
    Author: Rohit Singh - Category: Cold Storage
    Difficulty: 4/5 - Zone: World

  • The value of angular speed is too large and not attainable (i.e theoretically it is impossible because the point moves faster than light). - 5% (4)
  • The data is inconsistent with postulates of quantum mechanics. - 7% (6)
  • The state is achievable and it is a contradiction to Einstein's postulate of maximum acheivable speed of light. - 5% (4)
  • The state is achievable and 'nothing' is actually moving faster than light but the point is only observed to be moving faster than light. - 20% (16)
  • No answer picked: 63% (51)
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